Sunday, May 31, 2015

Vaughn Rees - UFOs: Skepticism vs. Belief

Vaughn Rees - UFOs: Skepticism vs. Belief

Mmmmm interesting... Let me seee... lets start with an association fallacy (New Age v Ufology) THEN appeal to consequences of a belief (pop in God) THEN pop in the next fallacy and cherry pick the out come (If more hands up then your godbothers - if less hands up your looking for a belief) THEN come to a conclusion without any real evidence THEN put in a argumentum ad hominemn (They are all nuts) THEN appeal to authority (he is so well qualified - everyone at MUFON are fools).... etc etc Mmmmmm so why would you want to listen to this rubbish... FAIL.... YAWN :(