Friday, December 22, 2023

How To Know NOT To Go Into The White Light! // Reincarnation Soul Trap---The Reincarnation Trap: This Is How You Escape.---EXIT the REINCARNATION TRAP! Afterlife, Quantum Travel, Extra Terrestrials & ET's---Soul's Dilemma - The Handlers of Reincarnation Cycles… How To Escape the Trap

How To Know NOT To Go Into The White Light! // Reincarnation Soul Trap---The Reincarnation Trap: This Is How You Escape.---EXIT the REINCARNATION TRAP! Afterlife, Quantum Travel, Extra Terrestrials & ET's---Soul's Dilemma - The Handlers of Reincarnation Cycles… How To Escape the Trap

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Tucker Carlson Says UFO Occupants Likely 'Spiritual Beings'

Tucker Carlson Says UFO Occupants Likely 'Spiritual Beings'

Timcast IRL #925 LIVE From TPUSA AMFest w/ Tucker Carlson, James O'Keefe, Charlie Kirk | Timcast IRL | Podcasts on Audible | 

Monday, December 18, 2023



World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition​: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence from Witness Testimonie​s and Architectu​ral Drawings

Are there more problems with the UAF/Hulsey/AE911Truth WTC7 Draft Report or the NIST WTC 7 Report? You Decide...

Who is Really Debunking Who?

Friday, December 15, 2023

The UFO/UAP Disclosure Process with Daniel Sheehan

The UFO/UAP Disclosure Process with Daniel Sheehan


See the track & trace via vaxnanochip patent at this link!^s
They Censor Us Because They Know People Are Waking Up 🚫👎- Judy Mikovits
veteranstoday com/2021/04/30/35-things-the-ruling-cabal-does-not-want-you-to-know/
Death cures all hatreds in time all grow old and will Die In time regardless ur beliefs race religion status wealth looks all your baggage resentments judges hatred laid to rest stay humble no one gets out alive
Matrix resurrection quote " As long as the mind controlled sheeples
believe in fear they will be always be easily manipulated and controlled governed by the SYSTEM
- Telepathy
- Out Of Body Experiences
- Mind Control
- Medicine, Vaccines, Big Pharma companies for depopulation
- New World Order
- Illuminati
- The Bilderberg Group
- Trilateral Commisson
- UFO´s / Aliens
- Financial Crisis

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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Secrets of Reptoid Beings and Hidden Underground Bases | FULL SHOW

The Secrets of Reptoid Beings and Hidden Underground Bases | FULL SHOW

Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Reptilian Humanoids and Shapeshifters

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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023

NASA's Forbidden Alien Study Finds Proof of Spiritual Beings | Chris & Emily Bledsoe

Watch "NASA's Forbidden Alien Study Finds Proof of Spiritual Beings | Chris & Emily Bledsoe" on YouTube 

Give me your concept and I'll make 10 digital art images for only a dollar! PayPal and contact email:

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Episode 154: Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest - Interview with Karin Wilkinson

Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest - Interview with Karin Wilkinson Show Notes


Karin Wilkinson is featured in LA Marzulli’s film The Coming UFO Invasion: Exposing the Dragon’s Dark Secrets. Karin is a saved believer in Christ and has had the experience of being abducted multiple times since childhood. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother who worked in the tech industry for many years before retiring to raise her family. Karin has completed her book Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest, A True Account of Lifelong Alien Abduction and the Evil Alien Agenda which is one of the most fascinating accounts of alien abduction I have ever read. Today she has graciously agreed to appear on Bible Mysteries to discuss with us her experiences in even greater detail as related in her book.

This Episode brought to you by: Our Premium Subscribers or “Seekers”

Deborah S., Randal W., Peri M., Stephanie M., and Denise H. (March & April 2023)

Warning: Some of the material in this book may be disturbing including references to alien abduction, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, trauma, kidnapping, child grooming, and child abuse.

Questions for Karin:

You ask several questions in the introduction of your book, and I think two of them stand out for me and perhaps many people: What do the aliens want? What is their end game? Let’s start with your summary of these two questions.

You and I both believe another statement in your book, that non-human alien entities are intervening with humans in an attempt to corrupt the human bloodline, and that this is the dark agenda of Satan and his cohorts. Do you think this genetic manipulation is a “modern” or more advanced version of Genesis 6?

You mention two dates: Roswell in 1947 and the Grenada Treaty of 1954. What are those events, and how do you believe they tie in to the modern abduction agenda?

Your book is so thorough as to include some definitions, which I know readers will appreciate. Two terms that stood out to me as unfamiliar are ectogenesis and panspermia. Can you share with our listeners what they mean and why they tie in to the abduction phenomenon?

You share what you called a near-life experience. How did this serve to strengthen your faith and trust in the Lord’s care in spite of all you’ve been through?

Your book explains the Scriptural background of ancient genetic manipulation instigated by the Seed War of Genesis 3:15 and demonstrated later in the days of Noah. Based on what you’ve seen, do you think Canaan and Nimrod could have been genetically manipulated hybrids?

Too many believe these “aliens” are well meaning space brothers who wish to bring light and enlightenment to humanity. Share with us what you experienced with these beings and why you know they do not have good intentions toward humanity.

Your abduction experiences began at a very young age. Why do you suppose children are targets for abduction?

You mention grooming as part of the alien agenda. Do you mean this in the same connection we see with pedophiles, or is there another purpose to this grooming?

To be blunt, you write that you were raped by these beings. We know rape among humans is an act of violence with no real intent to produce offspring. Are these beings malevolent in the same way, that they are not only interested in producing hybrids but also seek to inflict violence and pain?

You mentioned that you would try to explain what was happening to adults and they did not believe you. In your experience, is this a typical reaction?

Why do you believe that a strong reason that abductions run in families is the common DNA passed down from one generation to the next.

You explain that you were trained on piloting these UFOs and taught certain...

Friday, November 3, 2023

Is Preston Dennet Making Things Up?

I've interviewed Preston and spoke to him a bit and he is always very nice. He never seemed too interested in my eyewitness accounts, however, where I have multiple witnesses twice, one of which reported a sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center. I've experienced some high strangeness and don't think my accounts are boring and think they are at least as interesting as many he presents if not more, so what gives? I'm not alone in my concerns...

Richard Syrett expresses his confusion in the very beginning of this interview as to how Preston gets so many exclusive abductee stories. Dennet's explanation is that he has a website. Mmmkay then...

Far fetched and unrealistic sounding. Ogatta 

I've studied UFO phenomena for over 50 years and consider myself pretty well versed on the subject. I take it seriously and therefore feel duty-bound to ferret out fraud and deception. I have a number of reasons why this book casts doubt on the legitimacy it claims. In the first place, the tone of it reminds me of, for example, phony psychics who are good at guessing or discovering information and passing it off as legitimate psychic perception. Dolly's supposed experiences are so fantastical and so outlandish and so far fetched that they come off as the creation of imagination. Such extraordinary claims demand some pretty strong evidence. That evidence is sorely lacking in this book making feel like nothing more that a flight of fantasy. Understand that I'm not saying these things couldn't possibly have happened, but I am saying it seems entirely unlikely based on any real evidence. Of the tens of thousands of alien encounters, is it logical to believe that Dolly is the one person on earth whose experiences are so infinely greater than anyone else has ever had or could even imagine, or is it more logical to believe it to be a product of her imagination? Furthermore, she seems flippant and self absorbed more than she seems sincere about enlightening us. It is claimed that there is evidence for these experiences but the author fails to provide it. Instead, there are a few really poor photographs, the type that can be found all over the internet with a simple Google search. And that search will provide many hundreds of FAR better pictures for that matter. The claim of implants is supported by a picture of Dolly's hand purportedly showing where an implant had been. That is not evidence, it's a meaningless picture of a hand. For a book to make the claims it did, you'd think the author would have insisted on a photo of the implant and an affidavit from a surgeon, testifying that he did indeed remove it from that hand. There are also a number of pictures of Dolly as a child paired with remarks about what she supposedly was experiencing at that age. Again, it's not evidence, it's family photos. Here's an example: in one photo Dolly is a baby in a crib with her leg sticking out between the rungs. The accompanying statement is that she was trying to prevent herself from being taken. This is laughable as it is a normal and common occurrence for many babies in cribs to stick a leg out. I'm reminded of bold headlines in grocery store rags about UFO landings and claiming photographic proof. You open to the article and there's some guy pointing to a field where he SAYS a UFO landed. And maybe it did, but that's not even a shred of evidence. And finally, when I mentioned to the author that most of the book is nothing but hearsay, he told me about all the evidence that supposedly exists, but provided none. Following this, Dolly, in her own defense, got into the act and sent me a couple photos and a video via Facebook. Now, wouldn't you think that if someone wanted to defend themselves, they'd provide some kind of strong support for their position? That's why I thought. But alas, the photos and videos were nothing you couldn't see every day on YouTube where these barely compare to the average bad, blurry, unclear content there. Far superior pics and videos are available through many sources. Try MUFON, Third Phase of Moon, Secure Team Ten or even the History Channel. With no substantive evidence to back up the claims, this book may be a fun read for some but will be a disappointment to those who take the subject seriously. I've read several books by this author and I respect his reporting, but in that vein, this book was a disappointment and I would only recommend it to those who buy grocery store rags for entertainment.

You've got to be kidding me. Having been interested in the subject of UFO's on and off, I though I'd take a look at some of these abduction stories. Now this one is probably the most far fetched one I ever read. Let me tell you all just a few things I found a bit odd. #1 Nobody is taken unless they consent to. Really, then why would you take people while they are sleeping , beam them up on a ship, undress them and probe every orifice , and then if they wake up angry, you have this person who is trained in martial arts to settle them down? Uh, no. I don't call that consensual. #2 Why don' t they with all their superior technology, call me on the phone, and ask if I'd like an examination or would I care to donate some seed or other tissue? After all according to this book, they can call on a cell phone if they choose. #3 They say they respect our autonomy. Really? Look up the word (autonomy) in the dictionary. 1) The right of self government. 2) :self directing freedom and especially moral independence. I don't need anybody from some other planet telling me they respect my autonomy, then zapping me paralyzed and beamed up in a space ship whether I like it or not, especially because they claim that being so advanced they have lost the ability to reproduce. And it is for my own good. Whatever it is they find so backwards about us, at least we can reproduce. They claim to be our brothers and then got so far out there ahead of us that now they're dying out? Well, guess what? We may be quite willing to help you out, but why don't you politely ask first, instead of abducting people without their consent? Well folks, there's just no nice way to say BALONEY! Of course, I could use a few other choice words, but I won't for the reader's sake. And another thing, what about all these people who have gone missing for no possible reason and have never been seen again? If you are behind that, you are are only going to draw people's ire, not their support. I got news for you. Peculiar, you should know that. Let me tell you something. You claim stop pollution, stop the wars. Well with the population we have on this planet stopping pollution is easier said than done. If you can go back in history, why don't you tell me what happened to Mr. Tesla, who had a very good idea about that? And as for wars, you people are going to start one by abducting people without their consent, don't you think? Personally, I don't think we're alone in the universe and I don't have any beef with any alien race who wants to do business in a fair fashion. But if you want to do business with us earthlings, why don't you use a little more finesse? Looks to me according to this book, you're kind of like a bull in a china shop. Now if you have helped people, I'm sure you have their thanks. But ask first, ok? Ok.

Disappointing glenn stewart

UFOs are real and I believe intelligent beings do control them. Two way communiaction with these beings would be so valuable. I was hoping for one gem in this book indicating that technically advanced beings had passed on knowledge but there was nothing. It felt like some one with minimal understanding of science writing a fictional account of the experiences they would have liked to have had.

Not believable! wiscmike

First off, I have read at least three of Preston's books and thoroughly enjoyed each of them. This book however really misses the mark. I had to give up after the Ramon story (tale/fantasy...I'm not sure what). Okay, abductions I can believe but here we have (spoiler alert) a kid under 10 yrs old who is levitating to the roof of a house (building) and the fire department is called. Uhm...wouldn't there be some way to validate the story since an official government agency (fire department) was involved and there might be records to review. And apparently it happened multiple times (the on the roof part). Or, since the same types of abductions happened to Ramon's cousins, maybe if would have been a good idea for the author to verify/corroborate Ramon's recollections - but nope. It just gets weirder after that. No investigation from the author, just a "tell me your story" and I'll print it. Just because someone says something happened does NOT mean that it's true. When dealing with fantastical stories, and alien abductions can be considered as such, there HAS to be some evidence and not just someone who says, "It happened to me." Either the person is an attention seeker or scam artist (we see plenty of those), delusional, misread what actually occurred (something happened but there is a more, rational, earth-bound explanation) or the event actually occurred as stated. I don't know if Ramon's tale is true but there has to be some critical thinking applied when dealing with such incredible stories, but sadly there is none here. I will still be looking for future books from Preston but will limit it to those where he does some actual investigation. 

Meh. DST
Funny how every interview is in the same voice. I was hoping for some cool encounters, instead I believe I got something from the writer's imagination.

Interesting reports, bad conclusions on Dennett's part Skyview

It is good to have these compilations of reports we would not see otherwise, but the author, Preston Dennett, made a point of telling us that he is sure these lying, paralyzing, abducting entities are harmless do-gooders. What? I don't know if Dennett has done this in his other books, but be wary of his attempts at brainwashing. Whatever these "alien" forces really are, the human victims' fear reactions are no doubt a clue. Don't be sheep. Dennett insists on using terms such as "physical examinations" and "medical examinations" for what is clearly reported rape and theft. This guy seems to be in service to these awful forces.

Not Wondrous Zulu Warrior

25 accounts of UFO contact, in nearly every one the teller says it wasn't a weather balloon, not one of ours etc, it seems they were coached, not everyone would say the same, I am waiting for something provable and different It doesn't change my opinions, yes I do believe there is something out there, what about the hollow Earth theory, UFO's are being seen around nukes, what if its their planet as well as ours

Thursday, October 26, 2023

JFK & UFO Secrecy; then Stories of the Haunted South


Insider With Access To Documents Says CIA Was Involved In JFK Assassination---"Whole different country than we thought. It's all fake."

RFK Jr. Blames CIA For JFK Assassination!---Garbage “Fact Check” Of RFK Jr. Debunked!

The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:

🚨 9/11 Hijackers Were CIA Recruits | Bombshell Government Investigation Alleges:

Two U.S. Soldiers Overheard JFK Assassination Plans:

JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities:

More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:

JFK Files: Jack Ruby Prior-Knowledge of JFK Assassination - Classified CIA document, which documented the existence of an article implicating the CIA in the Murder of JFK. - JFK Files: Allen Dulles requests advance copy of a book about who murdered JFK:

JFK FILES SHOCKER: Hitler Escaped Germany, Lived 10+ Years - Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light - Adolph Hitler faked his suicide and lived out his days in Argenina, according to the FBI:

Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:

It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:

Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film:

Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:

Trump to Release the JFK Files over CIA Objections - Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying 😂 - Trump Will Release Final JFK Assassination Docs - First Look At The Trump JFK Files:

CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination:

Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

Did President John F. Kennedy Seek UFO Information from the CIA 10 Days Before His Death? -- Report - Fire Scorched/Burned Memo Outlines Plan to Wet Up JFK!

JFK & UFO Secrecy; then Stories of the Haunted South

Dog vs Baby Aliens Invasion! Funny Dogs Maymo & Potpie Befriend Baby Aliens in UFO


Dog vs Baby Aliens Invasion! Funny Dogs Maymo & Potpie Befriend Baby Aliens in UFO



Why did the ancient Egyptians worship feline-humanoid beings? Discover how sacred cats of ancient civilizations could be connected with feline extraterrestrials, potentially from the Lyran system. In this final episode of Deep Space season four, we explore the mysterious species of Feline ETs, as experts piece together the puzzle of felines' influence. From symbolism to the lost links of feline beings on Earth, separate the mythology from the realities that stretch across centuries and galaxies.

Featuring: Kaedrich Olsen, William Henry, Debbie Solaris, Jonny Enoch, Robert Wood, Dale Harder, Caroline Cory, Sarah Breskman Cosme, Harry Challenger
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, čeština

Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between UFO phenomena and eschatology.

Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between UFO phenomena and eschatology. With deep insight and biblical perspective, Pastor Allen Nolan delves into the potential spiritual implications of unidentified flying objects, urging listeners not to be misled by the allure of the unknown. This sermon promises to enlighten and equip individuals to navigate these intriguing yet perplexing subjects within the framework of their faith.

Uncovering Great Deception: UFOs and the End Times | Don't Be Deceived 4 | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

Candace Owens vs. Bill Maher: Did The US FAKE the Moon Landing!? This Gets SPICY 🌚🌶️ DEBUNKING HIDDEN FIGURES AND THE MOON LANDING

Candace Owens vs. Bill Maher: Did The US FAKE the Moon Landing!? This Gets SPICY 🌚🌶️ DEBUNKING HIDDEN FIGURES AND THE MOON LANDING

Thursday, October 5, 2023

What Everyone Misses About Signs | Why Signs is Actually Amazing #SignsIsAboutDemons

Editor's Note: Why the video makers here can see all the movie signs, but not the real life ones is beyond me?!

What Everyone Misses About Signs | Why Signs is Actually Amazing #SignsIsAboutDemons