Thursday, April 25, 2019

Telling a Friend Why I Think Corey Goode MIGHT Be Legit

My Friend Writes:

I think Corey is obviously making up stuff as he goes, he has nothing to back him up at all, and he has plagiarized others heavily as shown by some DJ interviews. I think Delong is legit in his interest and his effort, but CIA guys are obviously pulling the strings which means whatever disclosures could come out of it will be very controlled to fit an agenda. As shown by some DJ interviews, this follows an old disclosure pattern, an old formula.

But DJ is introducing another level of propaganda, like tying the JFK assassination to UFO disclosure, saying he was assassinated because he planned to spill the beans.

This scene is riddled with disinformation and has been since day one it seems. It is interesting to watch. The whole scene may have been set-up to construct a myth to give the military-industrial complex a really expensive fake enemy down the line - AQ 2.0?

My Reply:

The disclosure is controlled. The top presidential expert Grant Cameron says Trump has been briefed and told them to carry on with soft disclosure. I can't see it happening any other way. I've had two precognitive experiences while meditating on Corey's material. Once I saw a blue avian hugging me and it was a very real experience. Very visual and visceral. I could feel the feathers. Then the person on the podcast in the background talked about an avian hugging her! Also, I completely visualized the look of the Anshar (who reportedly contact people via meditation and consciousness based technology) who Goode talks about and had a dream like but vivid meditation experience about them where I also thought of the word "temporal" just before hearing it. I had no idea what they were supposed to look like before this experience.

I might just be psychic though. That's what blogger Steve Weathers thinks. There certainly is a SSP, however, a
nd Trump's space force is a soft SSP disclosure as well. 
The first video below in my list of further research materials is from David Wilcock where he details why he believes Corey. He noted that if he isn't legit, it's the most ambitious deception ever. Basically, Corey knew a lot of secret details from many known government whistleblowers. Dr. Michael Salla believes Goode for the same reason and also because of his body language and consistency of his testimony in both written and verbal form, which use different areas of the brain.

If he is a fake, he must be a plant which implies a big reality to the subject. Also noteworthy is the 
blue bird men in antiquity stories. All of these arguments supporting Goode can be found in the following videos...

Advanced Technology Reports Leaked by Corey Goode Confirmed by Leading Scientist

Interestingly, project bluebird was part of the MK Ultra mind control program. Another possibility?

Are the Blue Avians and Secret Space Program Real?:

Guide to Non-Terrestrial Beings - COSMIC DISCLOSURE w/Corey Goode - Alien Species & Agenda Guide - The Corey Goode SSP Fiasco:

Richard Dolan argues that "disclosure" of UFOs is happening, albeit within a controlled setting. 🛸

A Conversation Regarding Tom DeLong, Disinformation, Grant Cameron, & UFO Disclosure Under Trump:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Space Force:

BLUEBIRD Deliberate Creation of Multiple  Personality by Psychiatrists:

Two Key Things That Got Overlooked About Project MK Ultra:

Lead Content Producer at Gaia Comes Out Against Corey Goode, and Corey's Damage Control VS The Other Side of the Story... You Decide!