Sunday, November 8, 2015


VIDEOS: Mysterious Lights Spotted Over California: “Airspace Over The Pacific Is Closed To Incoming Flights”
Though the military claims the object was part of a Naval missile test, it’s not the first time an unidentified flying object of this nature has been spotted.
In 2010 witnesses reported a similar sight over West Coast waters. Some reports suggest the incident may have been the result of a Chinese ballistic missile test launched from a secret nuclear submarine parked off the coast of California.
The Chinese aren’t the only ones making incursions into or near U.S. territorial borders. Russia has reportedly flown nuclear bombers and performed exercises all along the west coast. In May 2014, the Los Angeles air traffic control system was taken out of operation, leaving thousands of flights along the West Coast scrambling. The military claims a U-2 spyplane flying over head was to blame for jamming the signals, but other theories suggest Russia may have deployed a new scrambling or localized-EMP technology.
In 2009 videos of a spiral spotted over Norway went viral with analysts making theories about the incident that included a Russian missile test gone bad or a massive hologram from the government’s Project Blue Beam initiative.


Spiral UFOs - Black Holes, Government Technology, or What?