Tuesday, September 7, 2021

His Wife, Neighbors, and the UndebunkingUFOs.blogspot.com Editor Lend Credence to the Claims of Corey Goode --- Stacy Goode - First time sharing her Experiences, Family Alien Abductions & Shadow Being Encounters

Stacy Goode - First time sharing her Experiences, Family Alien Abductions & Shadow Being Encounters

Molly Anthony 5 days ago (edited) Lived a street away from the Goodes and saw multiple triangular craft with my son and neighbors. Later on found Corey’s story and connected it to the location and time period. They may not even know people in the neighborhood were witnessing things. We videoed them too. Incredible woman to stand by her husband through all of this. I’m impressed by the level of peace she has. 

Was missing the center light that you see in a TR3B and much much larger. 4 craft altogether - solid black, no reflection of lights below at all. Blue light on each corner of crafts that would blink in a consistent pattern. Completely silent also - incredibly eerie. When they left, they went straight up, literally. We watched them leave and it took about 20 minutes before they were too small to see, guess they were taking their time. Read a book recently with drawings of different craft by Elena Danaan and found craft similar in shape/color that she says are from a particular race called Kiily-Tokurt known for abductions. Had I known that, probably wouldn’t have stuck around 😂

Editor's Note/YT Comment:

I've had personal experiences that suggest the Goode's are the telling the truth. Long story short, I've had precognition in regards to Corey's material. Several times I tried to mentally connect with beings he was speaking about on a interview while listening. One time I saw and interacted with one of the Anshar beings in my mind, which I didn't know what they were supposed to look like yet, and I perfectly saw the correct look. The being said a word I wasn't familiar with, only to here Corey say it in the interview right after I repeated it in my head. I also predicted in another personal visionary experience a certain action (hugging) of a Blue Avian before hearing of it later in the presentation. I'm not usually that psychic, so... Then as I was writing this I noticed the time was 5:55!


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