Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Project Blue Book - Season 1 During the 1960s, this energizing TV series describes the tale of showing up UFOs among baffling conditions. Dr. Allen Hynek is an expert astrophysicist who is entrusted by the Air Force to examine at this case. He starts to enter many energizing occasions and difficulties.

Project Blue Book - Season 1 During the 1960s, this energizing TV series describes the tale of showing up UFOs among baffling conditions. Dr. Allen Hynek is an expert astrophysicist who is entrusted by the Air Force to examine at this case. He starts to enter many energizing occasions and difficulties.


In the post-war years in America, UFO sightings became so common that they warranted an entire U.S. Air Force investigation. Known as Project Blue Book, the mission stretched from 1947 to 1969. The information was available before, but only for those willing to schlep down to the National Archives. Now the archive has digitized this information, so you can see what the Air Force found.