Wednesday, May 8, 2019

UFOs over U.S. Nukes: The Astonishing Events of 1975. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure.

At a time when the term UFO is currently being defanged into mere UAP, it's important to remember that the U.S. military has not only been baffled and outclassed by unknown objects for generations, but has actively engaged these objects when they have invaded sensitive military airspace, including sites containing nuclear weapons. UFOs aren't a "what if they're out there" problem. They constitute a reality that is beyond the control of any authority we can identify on Earth.

Dolan also talks about how You Tube searches often direct people to poor MSM accounts and TV shows covering these issue. He says there seems to be an attempt to "rediscover" UFO cases, claiming they could be secret Russian or Chinese tech, when we already know the military knows a lot more than they have said officially - that they probably have recovered extra terrestrial technology and perhaps bodies.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 9th, 2019.]