
Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Reptilian Humanoids and Shapeshifters


Sunday, June 18, 2023

If Grey/Gray Aliens Are Future Humans Then the Current Cultural Conditioning Agendas Make a Lot More Sense...

As far as a demonic influence that many propose, these things are not mutually exclusive. In fact, future humans that colonize other planets would also mean that the alien hypothesis is also correct in this context...


Hope you all are having a great Father's Day weekend. I went and saw the kick ass Thunderbirds and their fighter jets that 100% should have stopped 9/11 yesterday. Today, I'm off to spend the day at my gay brother in law's house, who also does not get into any of this agenda driven BS! Peace and love to you all! :)

These are companies I'm forever boycotting and why, but do what you want...



Song from Mayor of Magaville - Forgiato Blow, Jimmy Levy, Nick Nittoli, Stoney Dudebro


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Las Vegas alien 911 call not hoax, sources say; so what happened?---Fireball above Las Vegas before alien 911 call was meteor, scientist says---They are sure working overtime to debunk this family's story. 😮


They are sure working overtime to debunk this families story. 😮 42 Reply 4 replies Kennon Moss Kennon Moss 45 minutes ago Yep 4 Reply CATS WITH KYLA CATS WITH KYLA 45 minutes ago Distraction against David Grusch the whistleblower 🙄 4 Reply Just Looking Just Looking 30 minutes ago Makes you wonder! Ted Sheridan 1 hour ago There's literally ring camera footage of the neighborhood lighting up and something crashing - another one has the the actual fireball and then the sound of a crash. Has he not seen these? If that meteor did not crash in the neighborhood then what did? ? 46 Reply 11 replies Sun Tzu Sun Tzu 1 hour ago Joe's presidential aspirations!face-blue-smiling 6 Reply Ramakrishna Shalom Ramakrishna Shalom 1 hour ago I'm thinking now that the meteor and the UFO is related. Either following the meteor and they decided to land or they barely avoided the meteor and they crashed landed. 4 Reply Fear RP Fear RP 52 minutes ago there is ring camera with the alien taking a literal selfie LOL 4 Reply The Cobalt Colonel The Cobalt Colonel 50 minutes ago Thank you! 2 Reply CATS WITH KYLA CATS WITH KYLA 49 minutes ago Biden figured out how to fly those ufo he shot down in February 😂 Reply cjdelphi cjdelphi 24 minutes ago Absolutely nothing except for their fear, paranoia and imagination Reply cjdelphi cjdelphi 24 minutes ago @Ramakrishna Shalom stop moving the goal posts, it was a delusion stop feeding it Reply MadO MadO 9 minutes ago (edited) I saw a better video camera that shows it landing/crashing right into the yard. crazy stuff here. Reply Show more replies qotsawhiskey86 qotsawhiskey86 1 hour ago Funny that they say it probably crashed in the ocean, yet there’s multiple recordings of a flash and crash. 36 Reply 13 replies level90 level90 1 hour ago Sonic boom. Reply qotsawhiskey86 qotsawhiskey86 1 hour ago @level90 Sonic boom what? Reply Ron Silvia Ron Silvia 1 hour ago Exactly. 1 Reply Odin x Odin x 1 hour ago @qotsawhiskey86 The big bang is not from the crash but the meteor travel faster than sound so it makes a sonic boom. 1 Reply djmp123 djmp123 51 minutes ago ​ @Odin x sonic booms make a bang sound first and then proceed to make noises. On the video you hear the falling object make a strange noise as it falls and then a boom follows it indicating a crash. If you watched a jet aircraft flying at the speed of sound you wouldn't be able to hear the engine until after the sonic boom because the noise is delayed (behind it) hence flying faster than sound.

Weird Effects from UFOs

Weird Effects from UFOs

UFOs can have many weird effects. They provoke strange alterations in plants. They cause bizarre electromagnetic disturbances in machines. They create a wide variety of landing traces. They make animals behave in weird and unusual ways. They affect people physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When UFOs show up, almost anything can happen. This video presents a dozen cases spanning four decades and occurring to all kinds of people from all over the world.

Apr 24, 1954: Buyere, France. Two lumberjacks, Roger Mougeolle and Gilbert Doridant see three huge metallic UFOs. One of them lands in a field. Gilbert runs away in fear, but Roger walks up and taps it with his axe. He then raises his axe and strikes it. He is promptly thrown to the ground and temporarily paralyzed. Aug 16, 1965: Montes Claros, Brazil. When 32-year-old banker, Filomeno Bido de Oliveira goes fishing one evening, a UFO drops down and hovers 150 feet overhead. After it leaves, Filomeno body reacts strangely. Although he felt no fear during the encounter, his heart is racing, and he urinated in his pants. The next day, his entire body is weirdly numb. Feb 14, 1967: Miller County, MO. Early in the morning, a farmer sees a domed-shaped object with colored lights in his field. Strange-looking figures stand beneath it. He picks up two rocks and tosses them at the craft. Inexplicably, the rocks hit an invisible barrier and fall to the ground. As the witness approaches closer, he hits the invisible barrier himself. Nov 25, 1968: Necochea, Argentina. Local farmers are concerned when they see UFOs and then find burned circles in their fields. Even stranger is the appearance of many giant-sized mushrooms outside the circles. They grow so quickly that some soon reach the size of footballs, two feet across and one foot high. Jan 29, 1969: Matadepera, Spain. An 80-year-old woman is picking wild herbs when a weird metallic craft emerges from the trees, swoops below the powerlines and zooms off. Returning to the site with investigators, they discover four tunnels dug horizontally into the ground in a weird pattern, and in a way no animal or known machine could do. Jul 20, 1971: Vitry-en-Artois, France. Monsieur F. Laisne was outside his home and sees a large spherical object move over his own house to a tall poplar tree. The object emits brilliant lights, snapping off a branch from the tree. As it moves away, his dog barks, his cows scatter, a railway near his home sparks, and his alarm clocks in the house all stop. Aug 1971: Sarcee, Canada. An doctor is horseback riding when his horse becomes agitated. A saucer-shaped object swoops down, causing the horse to panic. After the object leaves, the horse remains shy and nervous. In the days that follow, his own horse develops a strange illness. Jul 31, 1975: Loxton, South Africa. Danie Van Graan is checking on his sheep and sees a landed UFO and occupants. Getting closer, he is struck by a beam of light, causing a choking sensation, a nosebleed and vomiting. Van Graan then realizes his eyesight has also been affected. At the landing cite are weird landing impressions and a strange green substance. Oct 5, 1978: Wellingborough, England. When many witnesses across town report a low-flying craft, it’s clear that something strange is going on. Then15-year-old Caroline Muncey and her friend Mandy are walking home, the UFO swoops down and chases them down the street. Afterwards, Caroline finds a strange rash on her hands and arms. Aug 1979: Oktyabrskiy, Russia. A team of eight oil-field workers are terrified when a UFO lands on their worksite. Going to investigate the next morning, they find three deep marks in a triangular formation on the ground. In the center is a hole reaching 100 feet in depth. Late 1980: Frankfurt, Germany. When a crew of a 707 jet leaves New York for Frankfurt, they are tailed by a saucer which illuminates the interior of their cockpit. It’s caught on radar and viewed from the ground. Afterward, the captain begins having nightmares of weird alien creatures. Feb 1981: Mojave Desert, CA. A prospector returns from a trip into the desert with an incredible story of a UFO landing. After it takes off, he notices weird silvery spheres which glowed for two days afterwards. He picks up one of the stones, which shows many unusual properties. When it’s analyzed by scientists, it defies identification. Only later do they discover its strange composition. These cases reveal some important insights into the nature of the UFO phenomenon. They show that UFOs are visiting many locations on our planet for a long period of time. They show that UFOs can affect the soil, the vegetation, animal life, machines and most importantly, humans…all in a wide variety of unexpected ways. They show that the ETs display an interest in all things Earth and all things human. And they also provide compelling evidence for the reality of UFOs.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex---Robert Kennedy, Jr. On Suing Monsanto and The Dangers of Round-Up

Robert Kennedy, Jr. on His Uncle JFK and the Military Industrial Complex---Robert Kennedy, Jr. On Suing Monsanto and The Dangers of Round-Up


911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2018/05
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May 31, 2018 ... CIA Terrorist Assassin Dies; Evil Institution Survives ... Related: The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:
911debunkers.blogspot.com › did-president-john-f-kennedy-seek-ufo
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Jul 27, 2018 ... Did President John F. Kennedy Seek UFO Information from the CIA 10 Days Before ... The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2016/03
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Mar 31, 2016 ... The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year · TOP GERMAN JOURNALIST ADMITS MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS COMPLETELY FAKE: “WE ALL LIE FOR ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › ...
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Dec 25, 2014 ... CIA Agents Reportedly Impersonated Senate Staffers While Torture ... in direct violation of its own War Crimes Act. And it violates the U.N. ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › ole-dammegard-jfk-911-conspiracy-cancer
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Nov 25, 2018 ... More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of ... The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:
911debunkers.blogspot.com › jesse-ventura-american-conspiracies
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Jan 20, 2011 ... The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year: http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2011/03/cia-commits-over-100000-serious-crimes.html ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2017/02
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Feb 26, 2017 ... His vile crimes against children were allegedly 'covered up by the ... It's agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2020/05
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May 30, 2020 ... More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists. ... The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2010/04 › nuclear-false-flag
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Apr 18, 2010 ... The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year: http://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2011/03/cia-commits-over-100000-serious-crimes.html ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › ...
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Dec 28, 2020 ... ... transparency and accountability regarding the crimes of 9/11. ... Bomber'? This new CIA/FBI/NSA Narrative makes zero sense to me.

911debunkers.blogspot.com › did-president-john-f-kennedy-seek-ufo
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Jul 27, 2018 ... Did President John F. Kennedy Seek UFO Information from the CIA 10 Days Before His Death? -- Report - Fire Scorched/Burned Memo Outlines Plan to ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › ole-dammegard-jfk-911-conspiracy-cancer
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Nov 25, 2018 ... OLE DAMMEGARD ~ "JFK & 9/11 Conspiracy & Cancer Killing Machine" [Age Of Truth ... More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › proof-of-jfk-assassination-plot-without
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Nov 21, 2015 ... The CIA provided this photo of "Lee Harvey Oswald" to the FBI on 11/23/63. in Dallas Police custody two days after the assassination of JFK and ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2019/09 › mick-west-discusses-911-and
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Sep 8, 2019 ... The CIA Didn't Literally Invent the Term 'Conspiracy Theorist' But THEY ARE ... More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2010/04 › nuclear-false-flag
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Apr 18, 2010 ... https://welcometohealth.blogspot.com/ Insider With Access To Documents Says CIA Was Involved In JFK Assassination---"Whole different.
911debunkers.blogspot.com › noam-chomsky-manufactures-911-consent
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Oct 24, 2013 ... ... some of the hijackers got their US visas through the same CIA embassy in Jeddah as the ... supports the official stories of 9/11 and JFK
911debunkers.blogspot.com › not-deather-but-doubter-still-truther
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May 9, 2011 ... However, the declassified CIA memo "Concerning Criticism of the ... for "discrediting the claims of the [JFK] conspiracy theorists," was ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › debunking-myths-on-conspiracy-theories
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Oct 13, 2008 ... ... document admitting attempts by the CIA to use academics and the media to discredit alternative theories on the assassination of JFK.
911debunkers.blogspot.com › debunking-911-debunkers-with-stewart
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Oct 28, 2008 ... We also have the issues of insider trading, FAA tapes and CIA interrogation ... I often point to the second JFK investigation known as, ...
911debunkers.blogspot.com › 2011/05
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May 1, 2011 ... However, the declassified CIA memo "Concerning Criticism of the ... for "discrediting the claims of the [JFK] conspiracy theorists," was ...

Ex-Navy pilot: Understanding UFOs vital for commercial safety | The Hill

With the discussion around UFOs becoming less taboo, retired Navy fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves said it will be important to make commercial airline pilots more comfortable reporting sightings. Graves says the increasing number of reports within the military is a positive sign, but there's still work to be done on the commercial side.