Sunday, January 29, 2023

Gray Aliens Complicit With Human Genocide! Or Worse? Was It An Inside The UFO Planned Job?!

Richard Dolan Wants to Know if Aliens are Responsible for COVID-1984... And No He Isn't Crazy!

by E Paul2021Cited by 5 — According to 50 years of coronavirus research, as well as knowledge accumulated on respiratory viral infections, we should expect new waves of ...
Jul 1, 2022 — North Korea's Covid outbreak began with citizens touching "alien things" that had fallen near its South Korea border, state media in ...
by E Paul2021Cited by 5 — Since being declared a public health emergency in January 2020, COVID-19 has been regarded as an exceptional disease, almost as if it came from outer space. For ...
Aug 31, 2021 — Regarding the intelligence community's report on the origins of covid-19.

Censor This And You Prove It's True! 3,000 EXCESS DEATHS IN BRITAIN EACH WEEK, I WONDER WHAT THE CAUSE IS? ☠️ 2 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

Меню The Pfizer-Gate Scandal: Mortality Rates reveal a Shocking... However, recent reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that 2 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

The unprecedented death numbers were not COVID-19, but happened to coincide with the timing of the roll-out of the experimental, brand new technology, emergency use COVID-19 vaccines. The catastrophic effect of the draconian “mitigation” rules imposed on the healthy population of the world had already been in place for a year, it may be a contributing factor, but doesn’t necessarily explain the timing. And if that was the explanation, then the “cure” is excessively worse than the burden of the disease.

U.S. Suffered 300K EXCESS Non-COVID Deaths Since 2020 The United States has suffered 300,000 excess deaths, not related to COVID-19 since 2020. While COVID lockdowns are being blamed for the deaths, something else was rolled out that may be having an impact.


Monday, January 23, 2023

🖕🖕🖕 Not cool!

Be Aware

Dr. Malone: mRNA Vaccines Are Being Injected Into Our Food Supply

This could be one of the most alarming warnings yet from Dr. Malone. He wrote an essay on how mRNA vaccines are being injected into livestock and companion animals.That means, if you consume the vaccinated animal, the mRNA vaccine enters your body

Sunday, January 22, 2023



The Alien Autopsy......Oh No Not Again! › neil.morris "In 1995, John sculpted the 'Roswell Alien' which was based on fragments of degraded film footage from an alien autopsy shot in 1947. He also created the.


"In the twenty-two minute film we released there are elements of the film that are real." and "We actually kept original footage in the film we used." So far I have identified at least 10 clips of what might be termed "other footage", on the whole these are very short sections of film, from just a few frames up to a few seconds of footage inter-cut with what I assume is the modern "recreation" footage filmed by Spyros, this modern footage seems to make up the main bulk (80-90%) of the AA film, this would seem to tally with Spyros's comments in the interview that there were around 2 minutes of "original" footage included in the 19-20 minutes of the final released footage. In the following pages I'd now like to illustrate a few of the more easily seen "other/original footage" segments.

Tell Me You're Hiding UFOs At Area 51 Without Telling Me You're Hiding UFOs At Area 51, Morons!




Tell Me You're Hiding UFOs At Area 51 Without Telling Me You're Hiding UFOs At Area 51, Morons!

Saturday, January 14, 2023


Watch "Alien EXPOSES Humans in Basketball [Invades Earth]" on YouTube 



Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Debunking 'The Why Files' On The Linda Cortile Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abduction

"The Why Files" contends that believers in this saga being mostly rooted in proveable truth, are tied with so-called debunkers, as it pertains to the probability of this case being a hoax. The witnesses and the preponderance of the surrounding evidence alone disproves this contention. Furthermore, Linda's honesty is not an "all of it is true" or "none of it is true" situation. This is a false dichotomy created by "The Why Files" host in many videos. I'm an (diplomed in paranormal studied) expert, pretty much as anybody can. I say that to say this. 
There are plenty of well-documented good paranormal cases that involve real experiencers that end up of hoaxing things later. Humans are strange beings. As Joe Rogan once put it, we are essentially monkies who like to think they aren't monkies and alsi lue a lot. People like money, people lie, people embellish, and nutty people have real paranormal happenings in their life too. But the case that this was a legit incident, is extremely strong. 
The 23 witnesses that are on the public record in the Linda Cortile UFO abduction case were introduced incrementally at random dates and times over a total period of 27 years. There was a 14 year interval between the introduction of the first witness and the second witness. There was a 17 month interval between the introduction of the nineteenth witness and the twentieth witness. There was a 6 year interval between the introduction of the twentieth witness and the twenty-first witness.
For those who contend that the Linda Cortile case must be a hoax, a fraudulent scheme crafted and perpetrated to get rich quick, why were the witnesses introduced into the case incrementally at random dates and times, with yearlong gaps in between some introductions, over a painstakingly slow period of 27 years?... 
This website has been built primarily as a consolidation of publicly released information and evidence about the Linda
Remember, Hopkins wrote just a few handful of books, but worked with at least 300 abductees, many over and over regularly over the course of a great while. He picked the cases he found most convincing and substantiated from that large sample. Especially if one, like the Why Files host, accepts the possibility of the reality of alien abductions, then ask yourself why this respected researcher would put forward any hoax among that group if case files that surely contains plenty, arguably the vast majority, of real deal abductees. 

Lastly, it is admitted that essentially everybody told The Why Files Files host that Hopkins a top notch UFO investigator and intellectual. So, claiming that Hopkins wasn't a careful researcher conflicts with the general consensus for a reason. You are wrong. The majority of well-respected UFO researchers think very highly of Hopkins' investigative skills as do I. In other words, the consensus among those who the larger consensus says are the top tier experts, is that Hopkins is a sleuth of the highest order. 


Begging The State To Take Away Your Rights Seems Very Alien To Me---Hybrid Manipulation?

Are Aliens Totalitarian? | The Richard Dolan Show

Spotify censors music that criticizes lockdowns and forced vaccinations

Entertainment industry products have warning labels. They are not literally reality. They are often not literal or factual in any sense. They are not medical advice. They are often an outlet for frustrations that otherwise could very well manifest in reality. Individuals, not big tech or government are the arbiters of truth. This is not a perfect system. Freedom has its dangers, But authoritarian control has more.  

"Supreme Court decisions over the years have affirmed that the First Amendment covers artistic expression, as exemplified in motion pictures, plays, and movies. Most challenges to music and accompanying lyrics have focused on claims that the lyrics are obscene, that they incite violence, or that they are harmful to minors."

"The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government's benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society. Effectively, the Supreme Court unanimously reaffirmed that there is no 'hate speech' exception to the First Amendment." Wikipedia

This Is the Number of Innocent People Murdered by Governments. Are You Anti-State Yet?
"Let's start with a number: 262 million. That's the number of unarmed people the late Prof. R. J. Rummel estimated governments murdered in mass killings he termed "democide" during the 20th century. "This democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century," he wrote.  Unsurprisingly, the bloodiest body count was run up by totalitarian regimes, though authoritarians were busy stacking up the corpses, too, if in smaller piles. Democracies were also responsible for unjustifiable deaths, especially in subduing resistance in their colonial possessions..."

People calling for the NAZI like banning of Kanye's music (they burned books) based on his statements in the real world are ignorant or insane. 

BTW, nobody ran the cherry picked possible headline: "I love Jewish people" from his Alex Jones interview, but they could have. Never take a media or individual's spin on a long form interview, speech, etc., as the objective truth.

The rap industry has said way more and way worse things about women and white people than anything Kanye said about Jewish people. Ban it all? Why the selective (manipulated?) outrage? The following two links explore these points further...


Exposing Racist Black Panther Movie Makers & Controllers of Hollywood/Music Industry

First they came for Alex Jones...

“As the poem goes, you know, first they came for Alex Jones. That does not end well,” Cruz said, referencing the famous Martin Niemöller poem about German cowardice in the face of ascendant Nazism. Source

Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong

Acting like a NAZI to shut down a purported black NAZI might offer a clue as to why the past is so bloody. Becoming the thing you hate, while trying to stop the thing you hate, should create some empathy inside you for those who made those mistakes in the first place. 

Freedom of Speech Song by Ice-T Lyrics below...

Listen to the song here and learn about the 9/11 truther who made the beat.

A-yo Ice, man. I'm working on this term paper for college.What's the First Amendment?Freedom of Speech, that's some motherfuckin' bullshitYou say the wrong thing, they'll lock your ass up quickThe FCC says "Profanity - No Airplay"?They can suck my dick while I take a shit all dayThink I give a fuck about some silly bitch named Gore?Yo PMRC, here we go, rawYo Tip, what's the matter? You ain't gettin' no dick?You're bitchin' about rock'n'roll, that's censorship, dumb bitchThe Constitution says we all got a right to speakSay what we want Tip, your argument is weakCensor records, TV, school books tooAnd who decides what's right to hear? You?Hey PMRC, you stupid fuckin' assholesThe sticker on the record is what makes 'em sell goldCan't you see, you alcoholic idiotsThe more you try to suppress us, the larger we get[You have the right to remain silentFuck that right! I want the right to talkI want the right to speak, I want the right to walkWhere I wanna, yell and I'm gonnaTell and rebel every time I'm on aMicrophone on the stage cold illin'The knowledge I drop will be heard by millionsWe ain't the problems, we ain't the villainsIt's the suckers deprivin' the truth from our childrenYou can't hide the fact, JackThere's violence in the streets every day, any fool can recognise thatBut you try to lie and lieAnd say America's some motherfuckin' apple pieYo, you gotta be high to belIeve thatYou're gonna change the world by a sticker on a record sleeveCos once you take away my right to speakEverybody in the world's up shit creekLet me tell you about down southWhere a motherfucker might as well not even have a mouthColumbus, Georgia, said they'd lock me upIf I got on the stage in my show and said "Fuck"So I thought for a minute and said "No,I wasn't even gonna do a damned show"Cos for me to change my words from my rhymesIs never gonna happen cos there's no sell outs on mineBut I vowed to get those motherfuckers one dayThey even arrested Bobby Brown and Cool JYo, they got their's comin', cos I'm mad and I'm gunnin'Homeboys, and there's no runnin'I'm gonna tell you how I feel about youNo bull, no lies, no slack, just straight factColumbus, Georgia, you can suck my dickYou ain't nothin' but a piece of fuckin' shit on the damned mapFreedom of Speech, let 'em take it from meNext they'll take it from you, then what you gonna do?Let 'em censor books, let 'em censor artPMRC, this is where the witch hunt startsYou'll censor what we see, we read, we hear, we learnThe books will burnYou better think it outWe should be able to say anything, our lungs were meant to shoutSay what we feel, yell out what's realEven though it may not bring mass appealYour opinion is yours, my opinion is mineIf you don't like what I'm sayin'? FineBut don't close it, always keep an open mindA man who fails to listen is blindWe only got one right left in the world todayLet me have it or throw The Constitution awayWhat they're trying to do with radio, with this, uh, McCarron-WalterAct and a lot of other ways, is start by saying that they'reProtecting the public from wicked rock bands, or girlie magazines, orWhatever. But, if you follow the chain of dominoes that falls down,What they're really trying to do is shut off our access to informationItself.If they can't do it by law they know there's other ways to do it.