Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Great interview with Strieber about many things including his early days being involved in the abduction phenomena around the time of his writing Communion. I've been a fan of his for years and still learned new things with this one.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Richard and special co-host Victor Viggiani welcome a world renowned ufologist and filmmaker to talk about his documentary, The Phenomenon, which covers the monumental events behind the NY Times’ disclosure of the Pentagon’s secret UFO program, and the long-standing global cover-up and mystery involving unidentified aerial phenomena.

UFO Disclosure - Zoomer Radio AM740

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Americans have lost basic critical thinking skills.

Numerous video clips out of New Jersey show people stopping their cars on a busy highway to express their shock at witnessing a “UFO” that is clearly a Goodyear blimp.

The first clip shows the hovering blimp, while a woman who sounds Mexican exclaims, “Oh my God!”

The object is clearly a blimp and its flashing light can be seen blinking in the video.

“Look the whole street has fucking stopped!” says another man. “There’s a fucking flying spaceship!” The camera then pans around to show numerous other people filming the blimp.

“Everybody’s stopping their cars and looking and literally recording,” says another woman.

“OK, this is literally a fucking UFO, it’s just floating,” says a man in another clip showing the blimp, which was in the air near Teterboro Airport yesterday.

“Hi why is literally nobody talking about how there was a genuine ufo sighting in New Jersey,” tweeted someone else.

The clips also prompted ‘UFO’ to begin trending on Twitter.

Other videos clearly show the culprit, a Goodyear blimp.

The sheer gullibility and naivety of so many people thinking a blimp is actually an alien spaceship is a perfect illustration of how Americans are so easily led and have lost basic critical thinking skills.


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Monday, September 14, 2020



Monday, August 24, 2020

Alien abduction: 45 years after alleged UFO encounter, Mississippi man breaks his silence via @BitChute

Alien abduction: 45 years after alleged UFO encounter, Mississippi man breaks his silence via @BitChute 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

REAL LIFE PREDATOR LIKE CREATURES! Unexplained disappearances, Strange Invisible Entities Missing 411 Connection?


It was Wednesday, September 29, the next to last day in September and hunting season (for deer) in Ohio was just a 4 days old.  The day started  cool and damp then became a beautiful, warm day with a nice sunset.  Jan was anxious to begin hunting.  Her method of hunting consisted of waiting and watching while seated in a “tree stand.” The seat of her stand is at the top of a 15 ft ladder.  Her seat is in the northwestern corner of a many-acre wood that is surrounded by large planted fields and low density residential areas.  Her seat faces the east and is surrounded by on all sides by trees.

She didn't hunt in the morning but she did climb up the 15 ft to the seat to test the newly installed bow hanger. She took a picture of her bow hanging from the bow hanger. She took the picture (and other pictures below) with her Blackberry "Pearl", Model 8130 camera phone. The phone records the date and time of each picture, the spatial resolution (number of pixels horizontal and vertical) and the total "byte" size of the each picture file.

SEPT 29, 2010  AT 10:14 AM   resolution 1024x768 (404 kb)

Jan had a strange experience while in the trees in the late afternoon and evening. 

She went to her tree stand at about 5:30 and sat.  A squirrel was dropping nut pieces on her head and animals, birds and crickets were moving and making noise.  To occupy her time she was “texting” with her phone (a means of silent communication).   At about 6:21 PM she decided to photograph herself in the tree stand.  She was facing east with the sun at her back.  She held the camera above and to her left.  The sun was behind her, low in the west, with the light filtering through the tree branches. She took the first photo with the camera a bit above her head and to her left so she could get a photo looking down past her to the ground.  She then decided to take a second.  She took the second photo and didn’t like it so she deleted it. 

SEPT 29, 2010 AT 6:21 PM Resolution 1024 x 768 (260 kb)

Suddenly the woods went quiet.  Noise stopped. The silence was “weird.”  It so surprised and unnerved her that she wrote a text message to her friend (thereby documenting this event):

Something is wrong.  The woods just went to a dead silence. No squirrels, no birds, no crickets.  Is odd!  (6:23 PM EDT)

She thought a coyote or maybe a black panther or some predator animal caused the quiet as she knows (as hunters know) that when a predator such as a bear, for example, enters an area the other animals tend to become quiet.  Then she became aware that a weird visual “effect” was moving rightward across her field of view at an apparent distance of maybe fifteen to twenty feet.  She described it as if looking through "saran wrap."  Perhaps a more apt comparison would be like looking at a mirage above a hot road.  She compared this distortion of the scene as being somewhat like the effect of the invisible creature in the PREDATOR movie!  This distortion was at a higher altitude than her 15 ft above the ground, perhaps about 25 ft above the ground..  She took her glasses off and rubbed her right eye thinking at first she had a floater (a mote in the eye).  But after rubbing it was still there and not a floater. 

It moved to her right from about 15 degrees to the right of straight ahead to about 45 degrees to the right (see the diagram below, not to scale). Then it disappeared...things looked normal and she could hear the normal sounds again.
As she recalls it, she held the camera in her right hand, about a foot and a half from her face (so that the scene in the viewing screen would be in focus for her eyes), pointed the camera in the direction of the distortion and took a picture.  As she recalls it the picture was taken immediately after the distortion disappeared.  The picture should show the nearby trees.  That’s not what the picture shows!

LAST SEEN    SEPT 29, 2010 at 6:23 PM   Resolution:  528 x 400  (43.2 kb)

 A minute or so later she took two more pictures of herself, one of which is shown below.

SEPT 29, 2010 at 6:23 PM   Resolution:  1024 x 768 (306 kb)

After sitting for an hour and a half more, she left the tree stand about 7:45 and came to dinner with our guests for the evening. She didn’t think to mention her strange experience. 

After dinner cleanup and a movie the guests were about to leave when I checked my  Facebook messages and saw one from Jan’s nephew, a high school student:  there was a sighting by a number of students and faculty at the high school during band practice just before dark.  The high school is about a mile north northwest of the tree stand.  He wrote,

We were playing tonight on the field, and just as it was starting to get dark, a huge bright light appears over the field and begins to move sideways, then in a matter of 5 seconds or so it disappeared, getting smaller almost every second. About 5 minutes later it reappeared, this time it was Amber in color. I know of 4 people who saw this, and according to an upperclassman, the same thing happened last year and they actually stopped rehearsal.

 I asked him what time this was and he responded “7:50 – 8:00 PM” or about an hour and a half after Jan’s “phenomenon.”

Whether or not this high school sighting was connected with what Jan saw, the fact is that it had an immediate effect on her when I mentioned this to Jan and other guests at the house.  She suddenly realized that she hadn’t told anyone of her own experience.  She then described in considerable detail what she recalled about the forest going silent and then the appearance of the moving “distortion.” Later on, in further discussion, she recalled that she had actually emailed a brief description of the forest going silent to her friend.  She also recalled that her ending phrase, “Is odd” (see text above) was an oblique reference to the moving distortion.  But she did not describe the distortion effect to her friend because she knew it would take a lot of text to fully explain what she had seen.  Instead she felt that she should stop texting and return her concentration to hunting.

During a further discussion the following day she recalled that she had taken the strange picture in the direction of the distortion after it seemed to have disappeared. 


The sudden silence in the forest was strange but nothing compared to the strangeness of the optical distortion that moved through the trees.  Whatever that was, it appears to have left its imprint in the photo Jan took.  Below is the above picture after some brightening.  The distortion moved from left to right near the top of the picture.


This picture below shows the scene as photographed under normal conditions the next day but an hour earlier.

SEPT.  30 at 5:36 PM  resolution:  1024 x 768

As can be seen, the distortion photo should show trees and foliage in the forest at distances from about 10 ft to about 50 ft (and beyond).  The tree images should be sharply focused as they are in the preceding and following photos of herself.  There is just no way that the normal operation of the camera under normal optical conditions of the scene could result in the distortion picture. 

There are two other anomalies.  First, all the other pictures were taken are at a spatial resolution of 1024 pixels (horizontal) by 768 pixels (vertical), yet this single picture was taken at 528 x 400. Second, the other pictures had a "byte" size over 200 kb whereas the size of this picture is only 43.2 kb
Consider first the resolution. The camera has three settings for spatial resolution: "large", which corresponds to 1600 by 1200 pixels (ratio: 1.333), "medium" which corresponds to 1024 by 768 pixels (ratio: 1.337) and small, which corresponds to 640 by 480 pixels (ratio: 1.333; NTSC standard television resolution). However, the spatial resolution of the anomalous picture, as recorded by the phone, was 528 by 400 (ratio: 1.320). This is an abnormal spatial resolution. Jan did not try to change the resolution (she didn't even know how until this investigation determined how it is done with this camera) but even if she had tried, she couldn't have set the camera for 528 by 400! So, how did the camera get set to this unusual resolution?
With regard to the image size, note that the total image size in bytes is typically 200 kb or more for pictures at the "medium" resolution. However, the anomalous photo has a much smaller “byte size” and this isn’t just a result of the lower spatial resolution.  The pixel resolution ratio of the medium size to the anomalous size is (1024x768)/(528x400) = 3.7 whereas the “byte size” ratio is (using the 306 kb picture that follows the distortion picture) 306 kb/43.2 kb = 7.1.  The difference in the byte size ratio must be a result of reduced number of brightness levels, i.e., the “brightness scale” of the anomalous photo is considerably less than the same scale for the normal pictures.  (The photo processing program shows about 100,000 color levels for the normal pictures but only 27,000 for the anomalous photo.)

The distortion picture looks like a collection of elongated reflections from a filamentary surface such as one might find in a photo of hair.  That’s not to suggest that Jan’s hair was in front of the camera because it couldn’t have been.  Jan’s hair was tied in a pony tail and she wore a cap over it.  The longest hair was draped over her shoulders and onto her back, as the pictures above show.   She held the camera about a foot and a half in front of her and to the right.  Aside from the fact that most of her hair was under the cap, her hair isn’t long enough to reach in front of the camera at a distance of 1 ½ ft.  Hence there is no way her hair could have been in front of  the camera.

Nevertheless, it is instructive to compare photos taken close to her hair with the distortion photo.  Two such photos are shown below.  They were taken with her hair rather spread out. The first of these photos shows what the hair looks like in varying levels of illumination by the sun which was low in the west. At the left side and center the hair is thick but at the right side it is “transparent” and one can see through the hair to the well focused background.  For the second photo the camera was held only an inch or so from her hair.

The camera was about a foot from her hair

The camera was only an inch or so from the hair.

Examining the “hair photos” one can see a “stranding” effect that is somewhat similar to what appears in the distortion photo but there is very little of the color fringing or “rainbow” or “spectrum” effect (colors separated as with a glass prism) that appears everywhere in the distortion photo.  Where the hair is thin enough to be somewhat transparent one sees the background, perhaps dimly, but undistorted.  Thus one might conclude that if something like hair (fine strands) were placed in front of the camera the strands themselves would be out of focus but the background, if visible through the strands, would be in focus.


Occasionally there have been reports that suggest the presence of a strong magnetic field in the vicinity of a UFO.  Hence I tested the effect on the phone of a strong Alnico bar magnet.  The upper part of the Blackberry contains the viewing screen and the lower part contains the control buttons.  Placing the end of the magnet at the top of the phone had little or no discernible effect on photos taken.  When the magnet was moved to the lower half the camera “turned off,” the screen went blank and no photo could be taken, as if the magnetic field effected the electronics in the camera.  When the magnet was removed (moved several inches or more from the camera) the camera resumed normal operation.  On presumes, then, that if the camera had been immersed in a strong magnetic field due that accompanied the distortion, it would not have been able to take any picture.  This suggests then, that if the distortion were some sort of “impossible” magnetic effect, this effect was confined to a small volume of space at a distance from the camera.. 


There is no conclusion as yet.  This is offered as a reasonably well documented observation (with photo) of a strange optical effect combined with some strange effect on the camera.
by M.P.
(Note: the following sighting occurred between 7:50 and 8:00 PM, about half an hour after sunset. The following provides further details of the sighting reported in the text above.)
This particular event took place on the 29th of September, Wednesday night, at an outdoor high school band rehearsal. It was dark behind us all and we had been practicing the same drill move maybe eight to ten times. I remember feeling that this was monotonous and I could tell by the groans and expressions of those around me that the monotony was getting to them as well. I remember the music being played was the last few measures of the song, "The Heat Is On In Saigon" from the Broadway musical, "Miss Saigon." The saxophone section stood right about the center of the field with the clarinet section right behind us. (You'll see why this is important.) All of a sudden I began to notice a bright light in the sky. There had been plenty of airplanes about earlier so I think my mind dismissed it as an airplane but, when the guy standing next to me yelled, "What the hell is that?" I knew it was something else (not an airplane). I looked up and the two of us followed it for about 3 to 5 seconds. Whatever this thing was, it moved to the right and got smaller as if it shrank more every second and then it was gone, as if it had never been there. I actually remember looking over at the guy next to me, just as he looked at me, with his mouth agape and my eyes were probably wide open. The thing is, we were dumbfounded. It all happened so quickly our minds couldn't process it. I think I was trying to rationalize when my mind said "airplane" but then I said to myself, "No, airplanes don't disappear and they aren't bright white circles." A few minutes had probably passed by this time and I don't even think the two of us (my friend and I) even played for a while. Instead, we kind of just stared at the sky. By this time the fellow next to me had started asking people around us if they had seen it. He asked the girl saxophone player who stood in our row if she had seen it. She just got a sort of worried look on her face and went back to marching, dismissing what she had just heard. By this time I'd say 5 to 8 minutes has passed since the initial light had disappeared and suddenly is appeared again. This time it was smaller and amber in color. It continued to travel on its course (to the right) and disappeared into the starry night. We saw nothing else after this but every once in a while I felt I would see something out of the corner of my eye, but I was probably just imagining things.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Mind Treasury: The non-partisan #truth about the #racialunrest #policebrutality #whiteprivilege and #institutionalracism debates, and solutions for the USA - If it doesn't fit your narrative, too bad! The facts give zero craps about your mind traps!:

Mind Treasury: The non-partisan #truth about the #racialunrest #policebrutality #whiteprivilege and #institutionalracism debates, and solutions for the USA - If it doesn't fit your narrative, too bad! The facts give zero craps about your mind traps!: 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

David Jacobs Addresses 'Debunkers' And His Biggest And Most Obbsessed Critic - Alien Hybridization Program: Replacing Human DNA with Alien Genetics | David Jacobs

David Jacobs Addresses 'Debunkers' And His Biggest And Most Obbsessed Critic - Alien Hybridization Program: Replacing Human DNA with Alien Genetics | David Jacobs

Thursday, May 14, 2020



Friday, May 8, 2020

Kecksburg UFO Crash: Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 3, Episode 1

This episode includes: Kecksburg UFO (Pts. 1 and 2), Update: Pizza Man & 3rd Anniversary Reunion, Unknown Arsonist and UD and Hospital Babynap.

A really great episode featuring an investigation into the 1965 Kecksburg UFO crash.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 8, 2020.]

Wednesday, May 6, 2020



Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Debunking Tim Pool On UFOs

William Cranley
Tim: I don’t believe in any intelligent life outside our planet
Also Tim: we could be living in a simulation though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hah hah. Yeah, maybe Tim should have thought that through or added the qualifier "Within the simulation..." (there wouldn't be any intelligent life outside our planet) - to which, of course, he gives no reason or evidence (Fermi Paradox aside). Maybe Tim hasn't heard of the Drake Equation or played Conway's Game of Life. Maybe Tim is just one of those Dunning Krueger types who talks fast and confident, but is really a dumbass.

Jahn Famous


Its a lithium battery or a jetpack propulsion system, because my level of understanding in physics is at such a high level, I already have it figured out.

Sounds like this guy has no idea what he's talking about. He's speaking confidently about things that he should do some more research.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

Richard Dolan discusses the Pentagon's decision to declassify three "UFO" videos.

The Department of Defense has finally declassified three UFO videos recorded from F/A18s off the Eastern and Western coasts of The United States. Richard Dolan talks about what that means in this short clip.

The Pentagon confirming what the US Navy had said were legitimate videos of UFOs.


US Navy confirms UFO videos are the real deal 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 2, 2020.]

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

U.S. Government Web Sources On UFOs

U.S. Government Web Sources

1. The Central Intelligence Agency has placed the full texts of declassified documents concerning UFO's online at the CIA's Popular Document Collection: UFO's Fact or Fiction? 

2. The National Security Agency has placed the full texts of recently declassified documents concerning UFOs online at the National Security Agency's UFO Documents Index. 

3. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has placed the full texts of recently declassified documents concerning UFOs in PDF format in the "Unusual Phenomena" section of the FOIA Electronic Reading Room. 

4. For extensive documentation of UFO investigations, the researcher should consult the records of US Air Force Project Blue Book, located in Record Group 341, at the National Archives and Records Administration, Textual Reference Branch, College Park, MD 20740-6001.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Government Confirms UFOs

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Screenshot 2017-06-05-20-46-08~2


W56-The picture shown here was made with a Polaroid in the ’60s. It represents the fundamental aspect of the relationship between our group and the Friends. The picture reproduces the projection of a giant’s subtle body. What is significant is the emphasis of the heart area as the central part, which means that Love is the most important thing for human beings, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.

I am perfectly aware of the fact that
I am risking the reputation I built up
in years of work, but I’m doing it gladly.
Sometimes you have to trust a person
when you feel they deserve it.
Nikola Duper (November 5, 2009)


In October 2008 an anonymous person got in touch with Nikola Duper to present the following story as he needed an intermediary. Duper agreed. The person disclosed to Duper in January 2009, that he was one of the people directly involved in the so-called “Friendship” with W56 for a long part of his life. The following text has been given to Nikola Duper by the person who asked him to be his intermediary.[1]

A Transversal ConfederationEdit

Ascoli Piceno
Ascoli Piceno, Italy

The story of “Friendship” -or simply “the story”, as we always called it- is a true one. It involved a group of Italian and non-Italian people for many years, between 1956 and 1990. Some of these people, including myself, are still alive. We had direct, face-to-face meetings with the Friends (also called W56), who are extraterrestrials coming both from planets in our own Galaxy (at a distance of one hundred thousand light years) and from other Galaxies. Here on the Earth they reached the maximum number of two hundred, living inside underground and undersea bases, some of them along the Adriatic coast, at a depth of about 20 km/12 miles. The first, “historical” base was located under the area of Ascoli Piceno, a small town in central Italy.
Now, I shall briefly refer things that derive exclusively from what I was involved in personally, during an extensive part of my life, and from our direct conversations with the Friends. I have viva voce recordings of these,[2] with the Friends’ own voices.
“Friendship” gathers together various extraterrestrial populations that are different from each other, both as regards physical characteristics (there are tall, small and giant Friends, etc.) and provenance (there are Friends from other Universes and dimensions). However, all of them share a fundamental choice towards Good. “Friendship” is a sort of transversal confederation on the basis of a common ideal of life and thought, though great diversifications remain between populations and individuals and between personal choices. This is the very opposite of ideological standardization.
The population whom we personally interacted with is composed of individuals (men and women, like us) who are physically very beautiful, some about three meters (ten feet) tall, while others are tiny. However, these are secondary aspects only. What is important is what they represent, beyond the various typologies and endless “folkloristic” singularities.
The Friends are our elder brothers. They are human. Indeed, in comparison it’s we terrestrials who are less than human. They are much more human than we are, and that is why they do not show themselves. They are “too” human… For us it is easy to flatter them, but envying them is even easier, due to their perfect humaneness…
Other populations in the Universes have chosen Evil, which is often represented by the adoration of Energy and Knowledge-Science. This dualism between Good and Evil is fundamental in order to understand both the still ongoing Struggle and why it is so hard for truth to be disclosed to the inhabitants of our planet.
The Struggle between Good and Evil has always existed and is real, not an invention or a stage effect. (The wicked are not the result of a failed scientific experiment, but can freely choose to change and follow Good).
This Struggle between Good and Evil also entered the life of the terrestrials in our group, and transformed them into “particular” beings.
We had various types of experiences, both mental and moral and phenomenal (face-to-face encounters with some of the Friends, conversations with them, sightings of saucers and other flying objects with different shapes, very close sightings of materializations and dematerializations, visits and even long stays inside the underground bases, etc.). These marked our personal lives deeply and indelibly and caused us to become particularly vulnerable to the laws, regulations and conventions of our own reality and society where we continued to live and work -with the exception of a few of us who chose to spend the rest of their lives together with the Friends. What we experienced with the Friends goes beyond any imagination. As a consequence, absolute silence with other people has been the most normal reaction from us, together with our continuous thinking about our experiences over the decades. It was, and still is, a kind of “mental mulling” and constantly growing awareness of what happened, together with the realization that it cannot easily be put into words. Some of us paid a very high price for our being “singled out”, and abandoned established work and social life patterns.
Some of us kept it a total or almost total secret, only opening up to a very few people. Others told the “story”, but gave a partial or modified version of it on purpose. Why? There are many reasons and they are complex because there are things one just cannot say even when one has decided to speak out. Furthermore, much of the information has been heavily distorted, trivialized, manipulated and interpreted in arbitrary ways. There has also been contradictory information given, so that a thing has been said and immediately afterwards contradicted -thus generating doubts and, in the end, incredulity on the part of the readers or listeners. This has also touched the fundamental aspects and reasons for the Friends’ presence among us, and that is why it is now necessary to intervene, rectifying and above all giving the essential points that have not yet been told and denouncing where the opposite has been claimed.

Ambiguities and disinformationEdit

The point is that this “story” and its implications are very complex, where ambiguity, voluntary or involuntary disinformation and a mixture of true and false play a highly important role. Inserting just one obviously unreliable element -for instance, something self-contradictory or ridiculous- into a story which is true makes the whole thing look unreliable (which may indeed well be the conscious or unconscious aim of the person who relates the story). This is not accidental, and does not solely depend upon the “bad intention” of the person who writes or speaks out or “reveals” or pretends to be a protagonist while he/she merely has second or third-hand knowledge of the subject. On the contrary, this is the consequence of one of the laws that regulate the hidden presence of the Friends on Earth. And this is how it has always been, in the past as well as now. The presence of the Friends among us is subordinated to certain laws that depend on factors that are hard to explain in words for they belong to the subtle levels -that is, the non-physical levels of reality. Among these there is the law of ambiguity, duplicity and deception since this characterizes the condition of terrestrial humans. Thus, all these “negative” elements are not secondary, but are a crucial part of the rules of the game, and can come into play at any moment, including the moment when an attempt towards disclosure is being made -such as at this present moment.
The Friends are not the only extraterrestrials who have come to the Earth. Individuals from various other populations are among us, because the Earth is a very particular planet inside the economy of this part of the Universe. The aim of the Friends’ presence is not to study us (they know us quite well, better than we do ourselves!), but to help us. In fact, the Friends are unhappy about the very high level of hate, violence and injustice on the Earth, and about the anti-humanistic trend of our science and technology. Being able to see our thoughts and feelings, the Friends see what we hide behind our masks, words and smiles…
Other populations are here for other reasons, and the abduction by extraterrestrials of terrestrials, as well as the creation of hybrids, is a reality which the Friends told us about as far back as the ’60s. I mention this because today there is talk in the media about it, and I remember what the Friends said so many years ago. However, I know nothing about many of the other things I hear about, and I have no opinion to give, because the Friends did not mention them. For instance, I know nothing about the crop circles. The Friends told us a lot and yet they told us only a very small part of what they knew, including what they knew about the activities of other populations among us. Actually, I find it hard enough to understand and “digest” the events I saw and those the Friends spoke about, let alone all the rest they could have told us… However, I believe they gave me the essentials in order to understand and orient myself, things that are true and not just “information”.
I say that these things are true because I had a personal relationship with the Friends and had the strong feeling that they were telling me the truth -such as when you feel that your best friend or your lover is telling you the truth. This has been the luck in my life: thanks to that personal relationship, I was and am able to trust, in a field where trusting is quite difficult. Today, so-called “objective” evidence (pictures, etc.) can be altered or created by means of technology, so the factor of personal reliable witness is even more important than in the past.
Compared with all the other populations visiting the Earth, the Friends have a quite peculiar and precious characteristic to offer us: they have a very special and close connection with the subtle levels that regulate the destiny of the Earth and with what they call the Soul of the Universe, beyond the physical or phenomenal level. Thus, the Friends have a sort of general control over everything that occurs, but they are only allowed to intervene under particular conditions. Everything happens as in an extremely elaborate chess game, with rules that I cannot even touch upon here.
The Friends refer to themselves not as belonging to the world of the Spirit, but as those who <<come just after the world of the Spirit>>. They also say they are the <<forerunners of the world of the Spirit>>. In other words, they place themselves as intermediaries between us and the world of the Spirit.


Compared with the science and technology of the other extraterrestrial populations, the Friends’ science and technology is quite different and singular, because it is shaped upon the laws of the world of the Spirit. It is a science and technology that has no connection at all with ours, including the most innovative aspects of our quantum physics. Yet, the Friends also have another -and more “usual”- science and technology, which they tried partially to share with us, especially in the field of electromagnetism. But this aroused feelings of avidity, possession, competition and omnipotence in us, so the Friends retired from this sharing project.
The Friends have won a great war in the Universe against the Evil populations, but the game on the Earth is still completely open. Both the minds of us terrestrials in the group, forever linked to the Friends by an ancient pact, and the minds of the terrestrials whom we address -as is happening now- are involved in this war. In fact, this war also takes place in our most intimate spheres and on levels that we are unaware of, which makes the whole matter very difficult and hard to express.
The picture shown here was made with a Polaroid in the ’60s. It represents the fundamental aspect of the relationship between our group and the Friends. The picture reproduces the projection of a giant’s subtle body. What is significant is the emphasis of the heart area as the central part, which means that Love is the most important thing for human beings, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.
Rationality is essential, but it is not enough to explain phenomena, interactions and consequences that are beyond all that society and knowledge-science have accustomed and conditioned us to. Indeed, the rationality which is needed in order to cope with this “story” and its implications is by far richer and more elaborate than the rationality that our scientists normally use. It is also by far richer and more elaborate than the rationality which is involved in philosophical systems such as Buddhism with its cause-effect law. Indeed, the latter only represents one piece of an overall explanation that is enormously more complex and articulated.
The “teachings” of the Friends have not yet been divulged, but when they are they will allow us to deal with this intricate conceptual and experiential muddle with a new awareness.
TRANSCENDENCE of what we also call “God” is at the very core of the teachings of the Friends. This should not be confused with the Soul of the Universe mentioned above. Here, we have the very opposite of pantheism. For now, however, I am obliged to stop here, though this is by far the most important point and the main reason for the Friends’ presence among us, as they themselves told us.


  1.  Clarifying the “Friendship” Italian contact case (November 5, 2009), by Nikola Duper
  2.  viva voce - (Ita.) LIVE voice recordings