Saturday, October 26, 2019

Randy Cramer – Project Moonshadow, Super Soldiers, Mars Colony, & Alien Wars

A compilation of radio shows with Randy Cramer, [who claims to be a] US Marine Special Section Super Soldier, discussing how he was created for Project Moonshadow, visited Lunar Operations Command on the Moon, combated aliens as a soldier for the Mars Defense Force, and became an officer for the Radiant Guardian Fleet.

Randy Cramer – Project Moonshadow, Super Soldiers, Mars Colony, & Alien Wars

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Deep Space (Episode 01) Ancient Space Program - The NAZI UFO Link Deeper Than Many Think Posits Gaia Series

Since the 1960’s, NASA-born space programs have taken a prominent place in the media and collected accolades for their accomplishments of furthering humanity into the space age. But what if this was all a major front to obscure NASA’s interest in ancient space programs? Scattered all about the world, many ancient sites hold subtle clues that we have not been alone for a very long time. In this inaugural episode of Deep Space, we scour the world uncovering evidence of arcane extraterrestrial civilizations and examine NASA’s interest in recovering advanced technology from these locations.

Become a Gaia member to find out more about Earth and our history in Deep Space.
Watch the entire season on Gaia at:

Episodes 3, 4, and 5 get into the NAZI material very heavily. Also see info here:

Deep Space (Episode 01) Ancient Space Program

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cmdr. David Fravor Discusses Underwater UFO Sightings

Cmdr. David Fravor Discusses Underwater UFO Sightings

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Missing 411 Movie

Based on the books series written by David Paulides Missing 411 chronicles the unsolved yet eerily similar disappearances of five children in the wilds of North America accross multiple decades. A real-life horror story for those involved, the film examines each case from multiple perspectives in an attempt to shed light on the unsettling topic. Les Stroud of Survivorman and Obama-appointed, former Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar are both interviewed for their insight into the topic, as are the families who have fallen victim to tragedy.

Missing 411 Movie

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Former Navy Pilot Details Tic Tac UFO Encounter | Joe Rogan

Taken from JRE #1361 w/Cmdr. David Fravor and Jeremy Corbell.

The Navy confirmed that the images released online of the encounter are legitimate. People should note that encounters of this sort have been happening for many many decades, with some occurring before World War 2.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 18th, 2019.]

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Former military intelligence officer says UFO materials being analyzed

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Former Military Intelligence Official: UFO Materials Being Analyzed Could ‘Make Some Sort Of Definitive Conclusion’ Of Origins
Former military intelligence official discusses UFO material (Fox News screengrab)

October 05, 2019
10:56 AM ET
History Channel star and former military intelligence official Luis Elizondo said his company has “obtained quite a bit of material” that could, after analysis, provide the ability to “make some sort of definitive conclusion” on UFO origins.


“Our company over the last year and a half has actually obtained quite a bit of material,” the “Unidentified” star told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Friday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “Let me first preface by saying some of that material that’s providence is frankly hearsay while other of the providence of some of this other material has been substantiated.”

Elizondo told Tucker his company is currently “analyzing this material” by “looking at its physical properties, its chemical or molecular properties and then ultimately atomic properties.”

“And it’s really at that point we’ll be able to make some sort of definitive conclusion,” he said, adding that it would still need to go through the scientific process and peer review. (RELATED: Navy Declassifies 2015 Footage Of Pilots Encountering UFO)

The UFO researcher told Carlson that “interesting isotopic ratios” not “normally found on this planet” could lead to either the conclusion that either it’s been purposefully engineered or it “came from somewhere else.”

In May, Elizondo expressed his belief in a “low probability” that declassified UFO sightings were of this world.

“Tucker, we are well beyond right now establishing whether or not these things exist,” he told Carlson during a May appearance. “It is an absolute fact that they are there. Now, what they are, where they are from, who is behind the wheel, we simply don’t know. Is it possible these things are a foreign adversarial technology that somehow was developed in secret and we are just now trying to figure these things out? It’s possible. But, there are also other possibilities as well, of what these things could be.”

Tags : tucker carlson tonight ufo

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Clyde Lewis talks about this September is record breaking for UFOs

Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis



The other night we began the show talking about the NASA announcement that they are close to finding life on Mars. NASA’s Planetary Science Division Director, Jim Green, Ph.D. stated that many announcements are coming soon but he believes that people will not be able to handle the news.

NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said that everyone is excited about the new mission to Mars, as well as future missions where the prospects of life have been raised.

Mars 2020 will be launched next summer along with the European Space Agency’s probe ExoMars.

The rovers will land on the Jezero Crater, the Mars 2020 rover is expected to touch down on the surface of the planet on Feb. 18, 2021.

The 28-mile-wide Jezero Crater is on the western edge of Isidis Planitia, a giant impact basin north of the planet’s equator. NASA noted that it is home to some of the “most scientifically interesting landscapes Mars has to offer,” adding that it was once home to an ancient river delta, where ancient organic molecules and other signs of microbial life may be stored from billions of years ago.

In June 2018, NASA made a stunning announcement, noting the Curiosity rover “found organic molecules in rocks from an ancient lake bed.” The rocks are billions of years old, NASA said, before adding it had not found life on the planet.

A study presented in August suggested that the Red Planet was warm and wet enough to have massive rainstorms and flowing water, an environment that may have supported life, between 3 and 4 billion years ago.

Water still flows on Mars today at or very near the surface. For more than a decade, NASA’s strategy in exploring Mars has been to “follow the water;” the agency reasons that wherever there’s water, we might find life.

With this in mind, there are those who believe that NASA has been involved in a cover-up where NASA was well aware of intelligent life on Mars as far back as 1976. After the Viking Landers were used on Mars there was data sent back that indicated that there was indeed life on Mars, however past experiments in Martian biology asked questions that were too narrow or even wrong.

If how NASA defines life is wrong or narrow and other scientists have already presented evidence of life, who do you believe?

Where do you put your faith? Is it prudent to wait for NASA to declare their definition of life or do you put your faith in some of the younger independent scientists that say that NASA is holding back information in order to demand more money for exploration?

This is a very important question, especially now that we are learning more about how we are being visited by interstellar objects and that the military is now observing flying objects that they are trying to determine if they are piloted by extraterrestrial intelligence.

There have been a number of breaking events that are certainly giving us an indication of NASA is holding back on its information about life and it may be more than just a few microbial fossils embedded in rocks.

More than 2,000 years ago, Aristotle defined living beings as those that metabolize (consume nutrients and eliminate waste) and sexually reproduce. That definition served well enough until the middle of the 20th century when scientists learned about DNA and came to understand that the predominant life-form on Earth is the single-cell organism.

Many single-cell creatures defy Aristotelian ideas about metabolism and reproduction. Some don’t consume organic nutrients at all. A bizarre marine microbe called Shewanella, for example, gets its metabolic energy by using “nanowires” that draw electrons directly from rocks. Some organisms don’t need sex to reproduce: They “fragment” directly from the parent. Still, others act as if they’re alive at some times, dead at others. Viruses, for example, can lie dormant for centuries in a crystalline state.

In the past few decades, scientists have found many “extremophiles,” which survive quite nicely in environments once thought to be lethal: in superheated geysers, on the bottoms of Antarctic glaciers, in the crushing blackness of the deep ocean.

If terrestrial life has turned out to be far stranger and more adaptable than we once thought, how much weirder could it be in an alien biosphere like Mars?

What about the idea that life of some kind is also traveling on asteroids or Near Earth Objects?

American physicist James Benford has suggested that alien satellites could be disguised in Near Earth Objects which are monitoring our planet.

James Benford suggests in his new paper that “A probe located nearby could bide its time while our civilization developed technology that could find it, and, once contacted, could undertake a conversation in real-time.”

They’re called ‘lurkers’, and they may have been covertly surveilling us from space for millions of years, since before we even existed, perhaps.

In 1960, Stanford radiophysicist Ronald Bracewell first suggested the idea that “superior galactic communities” could disperse autonomous interstellar probes as “hypothetical feelers” throughout space in order to observe, monitor, and maybe even communicate with other life-forms, including those on Earth.

Richard C. Hoagland appeared on Ground Zero and he suggested that the two interstellar objects Oumuamua and the newest C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) could serve this purpose as their activity has been odd and could be objects sent by an extraterrestrial intelligence to scan the solar system and if Benford is to be believed spy on Earth.

Think about Bracewell’s theory and compare it to the monolith from Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The monolith fits the definition of Ronald Bracwell’s autonomous interstellar space probe dispatched for the express purpose of communication with one or more alien civilizations.

Science Fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said that great science fiction stories always begin with a “Big Dumb Object” that creates a domino effect of wonder and intrigue. The “Big Dumb Object” was usually any mysterious object usually of extraterrestrial or unknown origin and immense power that is the centerpiece of the entire story.

Clarke’s monolith or the Bracewell probe is actually the “Big Dum Object” that could be sending a message from space. These objects could very well be these interstellar objects that have been passing through the solar system.

The monolith was a huge slab of extraterrestrial design.

At the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey, both the book and film was set in prehistoric times. It is discovered by a group of hominids and somehow triggers a considerable shift in evolution, starting with the ability to use tools and weaponry.

A similar monolith appears in the film “Dead Space. It was called “The Black Marker.”

It was an alien artifact discovered on Earth by the Earth Government in 2214. It was hidden to discourage alien belief. It was brought to public knowledge by Michael Altman who was contracted to research the Marker nearly 300 years prior to the events of Dead Space.”

Now, monoliths are simply near earth and interstellar objects and they may be sending signals or eavesdropping on our communications.

Buzz Aldrin during an Interview in 2009 said that there was a huge monolith on Phobos, the Martian moon. The mysterious object was spotted several years ago by a NASA probe, and to this day nobody is quite sure what it is or how it got there.

If a monolith or a rocky probe is embedded there, who put it there and is it a beacon is the same way a Bracewell probe would observe us utilizing rocky near earth and interstellar objects like Oumuamua?

Just yesterday there was an announcement that the InSight Rover picked up some interesting sound as it moved about on Mars.

Ever since it picked up on its first Marsquake back in April of this year, InSight’s Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument has been hearing all kinds of things.

Anything from a Mars tornado to what are called Dinks and Donks that are unexplained.

There have been Marsquakes and other seismic activities recorded –some things that are picked up are large meteorites and many things that scientists claim may be a techno signature.

We will have to wait a fair while before the first peer-reviewed studies on its operations are published, but over the past few weeks, a ream of preliminary data has begun to trickle out.

InSight has picked up Marsquakes which register about 3.5 which is normal however strange magnetic pulsations are taking place at midnight, and many of them sound like they may have intelligence behind them, in fact, many of them sound like the hum heard from the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

No one is saying that the monolith is responsible but both Benford and Bracewell’s theories are now more intriguing as we are being told that NASA is about to make announcements about Life and since SETI the search for extraterrestrial intelligence are looking for techno signatures there may be a number of them that are now being picked up by our own probes and telescopes.

The focus now is on rocky objects and interstellar objects and what they might have lurking on them.

These quasi-satellites of Earth perform orbital loops around the Sun that are similar to Earth’s own orbital pattern, and they do it in close proximity to Earth, being gravitationally bound to our own planet in addition to the Sun.

Only a small number of such objects have ever been found by astronomers. The closest known one to Earth, called 2016 HO3, is a small asteroid described by NASA as “Earth’s constant companion.”

It is earth’s co-orbital Near Earth Object that dances with us cosmically.

But co-orbital objects could turn out to be much more than Earth’s dancing partners, Benford suggests. Due to their constant orbital proximity, these nearby space rocks might offer an optimal vantage point for robotic probes seeking to keep tabs on us.

Benford’s paper states: “These near-Earth objects provide an ideal way to watch our world from a secure natural object.”

“That provides resources an ETI might need: materials, a firm anchor, and concealment.”

Because of this possibility and the fact that co-orbitals are indeed so close to Earth, the physicist argues investigating them should be a priority for SETI astronomers.

Aside from the prospect of finding alien sentinels, it’s a case that could make sense for other scientific reasons too – especially since we know so little about co-orbital objects, with less than 20 ever having been discovered.

As it happens, Benford may actually get his wish sooner rather than later.

China has already announced plans to launch an ambitious 10-year mission that would include visiting and collecting samples from 2016 HO3: a perfect opportunity to see up close if there’s anything funny (or alien-y) about Earth’s constant companion.

They are actually looking for techno signatures that may lead to life or at least evidence of a civilization that has an interest in our welfare.

Signals from Mars are also compelling and while no one is now suggesting that the sounds form InSight are synthetic A.I. or some other intelligent signature – the time is passing where there will be a definite and confident report about life on Mars.

There’s a reason to hope we’ll find familiar organisms too. The argument for water-based and carbon-based life is never stronger than on Mars.

Whether the search is for current life or for fossil evidence of past life, “follow the water” continues to be a useful strategy. Life both past and present should be theirs.

Fortunately, in the 40 years since the Viking missions, we have something that we can compare it too even though NASA denies that the Viking missions proved that life existed on Mars.

Gilbert Levin, the principal investigator for the labeled-release experiment, is convinced to this day that Vikings 1 and 2 found evidence of life on Mars. NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft, which landed near the planet’s north pole in 2008, re-started the argument when it confirmed that the chemistry of the Martian soil may, in fact, destroy organic material—which could explain at least some of the Viking findings.

NASA says that the Viking data has been lost or incomplete or some other story.

NASA still denies that life as they define it has been found on MARS—NASA will not admit the sounds picked up by InSight are alien or proof of ETI. The Navy acknowledges that UFO’s exist but they will not concede to them being extraterrestrial vehicles.

A Gallup poll of 1,522 adults in the United States found that one-third of respondents believe extraterrestrial spacecraft are visiting Earth.

Demographic groups more likely to believe in visiting alien spaceships include the young (18-29), non-college graduates and the irreligious, with respondents in those categories trending toward 40 percent. But even with variation across demographic groups, no category fell below 27 percent of respondents describing some UFOs as alien spacecraft.

The poll even found an interesting regional bump, with people from the West far more likely to prefer the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Midwesterners, on the other hand, were most skeptical of aliens coming to this planet. Belief in extraterrestrial vessels entering Earth’s atmosphere was consistent across gender identity and within the margin of sampling error across income groups.

The search for extraterrestrial life as practiced by scientists has little to do with the UFO phenomena, with research projects like Breakthrough Listen focusing their search on stars and distant galactic centers in a search of radio signals and optical laser transmissions.

While the extraterrestrial explanation for the UFO aerial phenomena represents a substantial minority of the United States, a large majority agree that the government of the United States knows “more about UFOs than it is telling us.” In 1996, 71 percent of those polled answered “Yes” to the same description of a government withholding UFO disclosures. That figure remains consistent with 2019, at 68 percent, with results that Gallup describes as “similar among all main demographic groups,” including party identification.

The results are surprising in light of widespread disclosures regarding military UFO programs and the political mainstreaming of the phenomena.

However, it can be said that much of the streamlining of the information and new revelations are buried in political distractions of Russian Collusion and the recent probes into the impeachment of President Trump.

The phenomena of “foreign shiny objects” have seized the imagination of the world and these objects are not in the sky.

One combatant produces a concealed item and holds it up for scrutiny and later there is a long investigation that takes precedence over whether or not there is life in space.

Pretty much every day someone, whether it be a whistleblower, a candidate, or the media, will ‘‘hold up some bright, shiny object,’’ put it on “Meet the Press” and stories of alien armadas attacking battleships end up as a novelty shot that airs towards the end of a broadcast or is buried in the back of the paper next to the “jumble.”

Ufology and the study of exobiology needs a bright shiny object that raises beyond a doubt, awareness of the fact that some “Big Dumb Object” as Clarke calls it creates a domino effect of wonder and intrigue.







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States with the most UFO reports

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UFOs: Where your state ranks for unexplained sightings
EDWARD C. BAIG | USA TODAY | 5:42 pm EDT July 2, 2019

If you want a chance at seeing extraterrestrials, your best bet is to head to these states.
The truth is out there. Extraterrestrials are more likely to visit from the North.

That’s one way, anyway, to interpret the results from a new report on the states with the most unidentified flying object sightings per capita. Washington state topped that list, followed in order by Montana, Vermont, Alaska and Maine.

Or maybe Northerners just believe more.

So much for Roswell, New Mexico, or the lonely Nevada desert. New Mexico came in 8th on the list; Nevada, 13th.

Meanwhile, the states with the fewest UFO sightings per capita — Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama -- are all down South.

The list was put together by the analysts and space nerds at internet provider, which culled data from the National UFO Reporting Center and the U.S. Census, to attract attention in time for World UFO Day on July 2. (Yep, there is such a day.)

It must be pointed out that Washington state, which had about 78 sightings per 100,000 people, is home to the National UFO Reporting Center, a repository for such sightings.

Among them: A California couple reported seeing three red lights in a triangle shape, described as "huge," low in the sky.

In Orlando, Florida, a person claimed (in all caps) to see “15 STRANGE OVAL LIGHTS ABOVE THE LOW CLOUDS,” south of the city.

Trump UFOs: Trump got a briefing on UFOs, but said he doesn't 'particularly' believe

And someone in Heppner, Oregon, noticed a fast-moving, classic cigar-shaped high altitude object with no wings.

Though UFOs have fascinated people for generations, they have been in the news of late, with recent reports that the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots who witness unexplained aircraft because of increases in sightings near sensitive military outposts and at sea.

Some members of the U.S. Senate have also received classified briefings on UFO sightings from the Pentagon.

UFOs have stirred out imagination for generations.
The sightings are more common in summer, which is not entirely surprising since it's a season when more earthlings spend time outdoors. Though offered another possible explanation: “maybe aliens go on summer vacations with their kids, too.”

Readers: Have you experienced a UFO sighting? Email: or tweet @edbaig with the details.

Originally Published 12:01 am EDT July 2, 2019
Updated 5:42 pm EDT July 2, 2019
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