Thursday, March 30, 2023

WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #10 : Midnight Gospel + UFOs, Demonic A.I. Simulations & Spirituality---ELON MUSK WARNS OF CIVILIZATIONAL ARMS RACE OVER AI!!!


WEAPONIZED : EPISODE #10 : Midnight Gospel + UFOs, Demonic A.I. Simulations & Spirituality---ELON MUSK WARNS OF CIVILIZATIONAL ARMS RACE OVER AI!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Mystery of the Sphinx Temple! Evidence for Hidden Chambers, High Tech, and Secret Digs? (UnchartedX)


The Mystery of the Sphinx Temple! Evidence for Hidden Chambers, High Tech, and Secret Digs? (UnchartedX)

The Sphinx Temple has been closed to the public for decades, but within its walls are clues to its mysterious past. Buried for millennia, the temple’s modern excavation and connection to age-old stories of the Sphinx, it’s ‘pedestal,’ and hidden, subterranean chambers have led to a history of secretive expeditions and explorations in recent times. Behind the locked gates is also found compelling evidence for advanced technology, wrought in stone, and indications of mysterious, functional infrastructure possibly leading into unexplored shafts and chambers, in the bedrock below one of the most famous monuments in the world, the Great Sphinx of Giza.

I had the privilege of entering the Sphinx Temple in 2022, and I hope you’ll join me as we investigate the history of this structure, it’s connection to the Sphinx, the evidence for high tech stonework and unexplored subterranean features, and the history of secretive expeditions in and around this area of the Giza Plateau.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, March 27, 2023.]

Monday, March 27, 2023

A little help here, grey aliens??? Hmm...


Book: "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022


Sunday, March 19, 2023


This superb film explores whether the "alien" presence is mostly good or bad. While I think the scientific evidence is strong that we co-create this reality and that positivity often garners positive results, I also cannot ignore buoys in the proverbial water. These beings can help resolve this cognitive dissonance by ceasing with the secrecy and breaking of human laws! The film's take on religious interpretations is misguided and relies on debunked material and narrow thinking.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Friday, March 17, 2023



This superb film explores whether the "alien" presence is mostly good or bad. While I think the scientific evidence is strong that we co-create this reality and that positivity often garners positive results, I also cannot ignore buoys in the proverbial water. These beings can help resolve this cognitive dissonance by ceasing with the secrecy and breaking of human laws! The film's take on religious interpretations is misguided and relies on debunked material and narrow thinking

Why don't our so-called "space brothers" do something about this?

Food for thought before watching the movie...

Did UFOs Disarm Nuclear Weapons? And If So, Why?


Furthermore, the point of the press conference is muddled in contradictions. On one hand, the stated purpose was to encourage governments of the world to finally publically admit that they are aware of aliens, presumably because they pose a threat to national security. On the other hand, the larger message seems to be not to worry about nuclear proliferation, because our alien space brothers will take care of us and avert any potential nuclear attacks (at least in the US and UK —no word on if the aliens are concerned about Iran's nukes).

If that's true, then the aliens would not really be a threat to national security since they seem to be playing galactic peacekeepers.

The information presented at the press conference is only the most recent in a long line of similar claims.

UFO folklore and reports — especially from the 1960s and 1970s — often contained supposed messages from our peace-loving and ecologically aware space brothers warning us quarrelsome and destructive earthlings to treat the planet better and seek world peace. That is undoubtedly good advice (regardless of whether its origin is terrestrial or extraterrestrial) though if Hastings and his colleagues are right, the aliens — if they exist — may have everything under control.


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Who Are The Blue Aliens Famously Reported By Whitley Strieber?

 50 Shades of Blue Albert Bloch's Summer Night Fifty Shades of Blue, The Blues, ET AliensThe images published and posted on the Internet of Blue beings are quite varied, ranging from one intense looking Grey with blue-gray skin to a couple of blue-skinned Blond Nordics. A few sites have even posted the image of Albert Bloch’s Summer Night; a canvas he painted in 1913 and which he was invited to show in The Blue Rider’s Group exhibit at the Tannhauser Gallery. The painting is pictured on the right. For the record, these are not images of Extraterrestrials. [9]

Now that we’ve had a bit of a historical review, we will move on to the few reports of Blue beings that can be found in the modern day Contact literature. These cases were not easy to come by and required a lot of digging in order to bring this information to the public in one location here at Hybrids Rising.



According to Abductee-Experiencers, some of the Blues have light blue skin that glistens or shimmers when the light reflects off of their skin; and note these descriptions and experiences occurred prior to the Twilight vampire movies coming out. The Blue beings, like all other beings Abductee-Experiencers are interacting with, have a typical humanoid appearance (one head, a torso, two arms and hands, and two legs and feet).

The being on the left told Experiencer AJ (in 1987): “I always have blue-gray skin when I incarnate into the Earth plane.” [9b]



Some Blue beings are delicate appearing and have large to medium sized blue eyes. Sometimes pupils are seen within them and sometimes they are simply large and blue or the same colour as their skin. One other report is vague at best, but we decided to include it as a possible example. Below then are descriptions of beings with Blue skin from various Abductee-Experiencers.

Blue Humanoid Alien skull cap Reptilian


This image was published by Linda Mouton-Howe on her Earthfiles site and is titled “Strange Humanoid Encountered in Canada Garage:” The witness stated,

“Then the strange creature came at me very rapidly like it was flying. In 3 seconds, I was face to face with it.” [10]

The witnessed described the being as a “tall, blue-colored humanoid with a skull cap and blue eyes that had green centers…”

The HR Team suspects this may be a Reptilian Hybrid due to the description of the skull cap and its blue eyes with green centers.


“I looked over to my wife’s side of the bed and was quite surprised to discover an unknown entity standing by the bedside. It was standing in front of the wardrobe, nearly facing us. Its entire body was giving off a soft dull bluish white glow. It was not a classic Grey: I was unable to detect the characteristic large black almond shaped eyes you would find on one.”

“This entity curiously had more human proportions: A small head with a distinctly pointed chin, a bald domed head and a very thin neck. The ‘Blue Man’ also had a barrel shaped body, and very thin flexible arms which it was waving around very slowly in a fashion that reminded you of T’ai Chi movements. The glow it gave off may have made picking out any facial characteristics impossible. The Entity was not menacing in any way; on the contrary, it seemed to exude an aura of peace.” [11]





Blue Alien Hybrid“I remember looking at his face and his eyes were very similar to a human’s except they were a beautiful blue and a bit larger than ours. I looked at him and studied his face and head and saw that he had peach fuzz for hair along his scalp. I touched his face as well as the right side of his head where the ridges were and I noticed where his skin was light blue, it glistened in places when the light shown on it.”

“…I saw that he had beautiful pale blue skin that glistened and almost sparkled in places. The skin on his legs, which were muscular like a human’s, but not overly so, was more like a powder white color. His legs had hair that was straight and very uniform…different from the way human hair looks on our legs. The pores were perfectly spaced and uniform and each hair stood out the same length and was shorter than the hair on a human’s legs...His torso was barrel-shaped and he had a prominent ridge near his hips that were similar to the layered bony area on his skull.” [12 -midway in page]


“I held a male child who had white blond hair and pale blue skin. His skin was beautiful and glistened even in the dim light. This young boy was scared and was crying and told me he believed other ones were using him and would eventually kill him. Everyone around me was telepathic. I saw a woman there with dark hair and felt she was bad somehow. She looked human and she was the one the little boy was afraid of.” [13]



Another report of a Blue being was posted to a message board and included an illustration. The author of the posting was seeking other people’s opinions. From the description and the image, this being may be an Amphibian life form. They wrote:


Blue Amphibian ET


“It was not an abduction; the entity appeared to be ‘benevolent’ and asked for permission to come in and interact with me; There was a very evident ‘aquatic aura’ (for lack of a better description) about it which made me think it was related (biologically or otherwise) to ‘water’; and one of the things that caught my attention the most was its fin-like hand.” [14]

Compare the similarities between the colour of the being and apparent association to water with the report above, and the following report:



“…I saw a male with blonde hair standing…and communicating with someone. He had an apparatus of some type attached to his back. It looked similar to a scuba tank and he was either wearing a matching blue body suit or he had blue skin. The tank had a couple of tubes coming out of it which were surgically implanted into his neck area.” [15]

Blue ET with Shimmering Skin seen again in 2018


ET Blue Skin Alien

“I had an encounter with what I suspect was a Nordic or an Arcturian. He looked similar to the blue being I drew an image of a few years ago. Similar to what some refer to as the blue Arcturians, but his skin – if it was blue – it was a very pale glistening blue. His fingers were like the Whites – similar to ours, but very slender with pointed tips. He seemed positive and when I looked at his face, he blinked slowly and his eyes blinked like ours, but it was if he had a nictitating membrane that went up and down instead of back and forth. His eyes were a pale blue and a bit larger than ours, and when he blinked I saw a glint of white. He came across as gentle and someone I wanted to get to know better.” [15a]







ETs with Blue Skin Aliens


These Beings also have blue skin, but many people believe they are Tall Whites. It is quite possible that some of the Tall Whites also have light blue skin and they are referred to as Tall Whites becuase they have white hair and normally wear white, form-fitting bodysuits; nevertheless, the Beings in this image definitely have blue skin.







An Abductee-Experiencer named Suzanne Chancellor remembered seeing three Blue beings during one her experiences. They were observed standing at the foot of her bed. They told her they could not keep her daughter from becoming sick. Her three year old daughter vomited that night and after cleaning and caring for her child, she put her back in her bed. The following day her three year old daughter told her mother that she remembered seeing unusual animals and said, “…they were smelling me.” Her daughter drew a cloud over its head because, as she told her mother, “they came from the clouds.” She also described them as animals, but then explained they were not animals and they were not Humans. The image Suzanne Chancellor drew does not show a lot of detail, so it’s difficult to determine exactly what type of Blue beings they actually were. They did not have ears; their bodies were short and roundish and they appeared to have light blue skin. [16]

As is the case with several other reports of Blue beings the HR Team came across, Contactee Nancy Malacaria’s Blue being doesn’t have blue skin at all. The being on her wiki site is pictured as having dark brown skin and is only wearing a blue cape with a matching hood. Yet, remarkably, Nancy Malacaria has named this being The Blue. This is an example of misinformation, false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally by being published and disseminated on the Internet. It’s not bad, it’s just a bit misleading, or at least confusing. You can view the image here: [17]

Blue Coveralls

Probably one of the most famous cases involving Blue beings is that of Whitley Strieber’s as portrayed in the movie Communion.  The HR Team has the highest regard for Mr. Strieber, but some of us have wondered about the portrayal of Strieber’s Blues. We wonder…because of other cases involving the Brown Dwarfs: Do they really have blue skin? The following discussion is only an opinion of Hybrids Rising and we are not attempting to redefine Whitley Strieber’s memories or interpretation of his own encounters. This discussion is being presented as an alternative possibility as well as to clarify the skin colour of the Brown Dwarfs, which (if you are reading these documents in order) we covered previously. Brown-Dwarfs-Alien-Blue-Coveralls-Communion-Movie-1989-Whitley-Strieber.jpgIn his first book about his encounter experiencers Whitley Strieber described these beings as

“…short, stocky ones in the dark-blue coveralls. These had wide faces, appearing either dark gray or dark blue in that light, with glittering deep-set eyes, pug noses, and broad, somewhat human mouths.”

What is telling about his description are the words “in that light” possibly indicating the lighting on board the craft was casting a blue hue onto the skin of these beings. Furthermore, during Whitley’s hypnosis session, he comments on their appearance a bit more.

His therapist asks him: “Why do you say she’s a woman?”

“I don’t know. I just think it is. Old too. She’s got bald…she’s got a big head and her eyes have bulges . . . she’s sort of brown-skinned. Not like a black person but like leather. Yellow-brown. And when she opens her mouth her lips are all – she hasn’t got lips exactly – but it flops down. Her lips are floppy…” [18]

Whitley Strieber’s description of the being he saw is accurate; however, from research conducted since then, as well as personal contact by other Abductee-Experiencers, the HR Team’s opinion is that these beings’ skin might, in reality, be brown, and because they have been referred to as Browns and/or Dwarf types, we have decided to combine these two adjectives and refer to this group as Brown Dwarfs. You may read more about the Brown Dwarfs in the document we have dedicated to them on this site.