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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Three Incredible Cases of Kids Contacting UFO Craft

Did you know that children comprise a significant number of UFO witnesses? There are many reasons for this. One is that children are usually outside more than adults. Also, children are more likely to report their encounters than are adults. A third reason is that UFO contact often begins early in childhood. As evidenced by the many cases of schoolyard UFO encounters, ETs like to show themselves to children. Unfortunately, children are often disbelieved or not taken seriously. Therefore, it's likely that the actual numbers of kids contact UFOs is higher than most people think.

This video presents three incredible cases of kids who have had UFO encounters. Each of these cases involves multiple witnesses and various forms of evidence such as electromagnetic effects, animal reactions, physiological effects and landing traces. Under the J. Allen Hynek system, these would be classified as Close Encounters of the Second and Third Kind. In other words, these are not simple sightings, but very close encounters in which the environment is affected in some way, and/or involve humanoids. CASE ONE: THE CASA BLANCA ENCOUNTER. On the afternoon of August 22, 1955, a group of eight children were playing outside their homes in the Casa Blanca area of Riverside, California. Looking up, the children saw a silver spinning disc swooping down from above. As the children watched, the object disappeared and reappeared several times. Suddenly there were multiple objects of different shapes and sizes, some emitting a strange musical pinging sound. Without warning, one of the objects (described as the size of three homes) landed in a nearby field. A strange-looking humanoid being stepped out and began beckoning at the kids to go onboard. For the next hour or two, pandemonium ensued as the children interacted with the UFOs and the strange being. Some of the children came very close to going onboard, but were held back by their friends. Strangely, two adults were present for at least part of the encounter, but could not see anything! Reporters and UFO researchers converged to investigate the case. There was no evidence of a hoax, and the case remains unexplained to this day. CASE TWO: KIDS BUZZED BY A UFO. On the evening of February 24, 1959, a young high school student was babysitting his little brother in their home in Victorville, California. Without warning, a weird buzzing sound filled the air, and the house began to vibrate. The radio in the house became filled with static and the dogs outside started to bark furiously. Running outside, the witness was amazed to see a large UFO craft swoop down directly over his house at a height of only ten feet. Moments later, the UFO returned, swooping down again, coming even lower. Terrified, the witness ran inside to grab his gun and protect his home. For the next few minutes, the UFO swooped down over their home at least five times before finally accelerating off into the distance. The boys' parents arrived home to find their children hiding inside, and their two dogs shaking and cowering in fear. They contacted authorities to report the incident. Air Force intelligence officers from Project Blue Book arrived, and after interviewing the witnesses, declared the case genuine. They discovered that the neighbors experienced unexplained static on their TV sets. Unable to explain the case, Project Blue Book labeled the case unidentified: Case #1140. CASE THREE: THE LEMON GROVE UFO LANDING. On November 6, 1973, Richard T. and Daniel F (age eleven) were exploring the fields near their homes in Lemon Grove, California. To their amazement, they came upon a strange object landed in the field. It was metallic, saucer-shaped with a dome on top and covered with colored lights. Wondering what it might be, they walked right up to it and knocked on the side with their flashlight. The object immediately lit up and began to rotate and rise upward. Terrified, the kids turned and ran, but found that they were moving in slow motion. They watched the craft accelerate upwards and disappear into the clouds. Running home, they told their parents what happened. Investigators were called in who, upon examining the site, found strange landing traces. The hard-packed clay ground had strange holes in it, and the grass beneath the craft was swirled. Investigators then learned that several neighbors reported strange interference on their televisions and radios. Also, the phone lines in the area were fused together and had to be replaced.

Interviews with David Jacobs concerning the Threat, the ET plan to control humanity, UFOs and the abduction phenomenon.