Tuesday, December 28, 2021


I define covid as the devil/divoc/cancer/alien that some worship, and like a poisoner that takes years to kill, the parasite is the same. It slowly eats us as we submit to filling our minds and bodies with poison on its behalf.

The Most Important Alien Story NEVER Told | The UFO Conclusion | Absolute Documentaries

What is the alien agenda? Are UFOs real? And why has the government gone to such great lengths to stifle the overwhelming evidence that there is life outside of Earth that exists? Some of our greatest minds on the planet share the truth behind this massive cover-up. Stanton Friedman is one of these people, he is a top nuclear physicist who has appeared in countless documentaries and tv programs talking and sharing his expertise. Jim Mars also speaks on this matter, he is an author of the top-selling non-fiction UFO book in the world, Alien Agenda.

Marie Sapphire 
My husband and his neighborhood friend witnessed an extraterrestrial being when he was 10 years old (I don't know for sure the age of the other kid, but he wasa similar age). They were riding bikes close to home on a dirt road that had a series of small hills along them. They were racing and all of a sudden both stopped dead in their tracks. In front of them, approximately ~20 ft, behind the next hill was an extraterrestrial staring at them. They could only see from the middle of its face up- the rest of the face & body was hidden behind the dirt hill. My husband describes it as having a large head with white, almost translucent skin that he could actually see blue veins pulsating behind. It's eyes were huge and bright blue. He and his friend looked directly at the being for about 10 seconds, then looked at each other briefly and quickly rode toward where the being was. By the time they got there, it was gone with no trace in sight. They then split up and both went back to their homes. My husband and this friend lost contact but happened to see each other about a decade later briefly. My husband just asked him- "do you remember what we saw that day?" The friend looked off like he was uncomfortable and just nodded. I know many people won't believe this, but let me vouch for my husband. He is a pretty shy man and doesn't like any attention on him. He didn't tell me this until we were together for close to a year already. He is a very no nonsense guy who is the opposite of a bullshitter. We are NOT alone.

UFOs, the Gillibrand Amendment, and the Globalist Revolution | The Richard Dolan Show

The Gillibrand Amendment authorizes a potentially robust UAP/UFO organization within the Pentagon. But how far can such an organization go, especially in the context of the current top-down globalist revolution?

Richard Dolan on UFOs and 9/11 (Greatest Conspiracy Theories of Our Time

Friday, December 24, 2021


Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix - Annotated Edition

The Moon is the debris of a spacecraft? - David Icke - Saturn & The Moon Matrix - Escaping the Matrix - Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation to a Prison Planet/Body - THEY RECYCLE YOUR SOUL - WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap! - When you die, should you go into the light?

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Watch "Christian Ufology: An Interview with Timothy Alberino | The Richard Dolan Show" on YouTube

Watch "Christian Ufology: An Interview with Timothy Alberino | The Richard Dolan Show" on YouTube

Editor's Note: Demons are disembodied, but greys don't breathe. They are synthetic bodies. Could disembodied spirits have created bodies for themselves with human help? Say perhaps the Nazis. This would explain a German soldier looking man with a German Shepherd during the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. Whitey Streiber says he's seen the blue beings with bodies stacked and in cellophane like wrappings and that he's seen the Greys rise up as if a spirit was coming into them. Then you look at the entity channeled by Alister Crowley that he called a demon and looked like a grey. Also, you have the fact that people report that envoking the name of Jesus Christ has real time effects in halting their abductions. Nordic angels and grey demons. Seems really interesting to me. There are reports that Nordics are stopping greys from abducting people as well.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021