Saturday, March 27, 2021



Concerning the moon (AKA debris of a spacecraft?) related material below, if man did land on the moon, there is still a conspiracy going on to cover-up what we found. Either that, or the moon whistleblowers here are mixed up in a disinformation campaign to cover-up that we didn't go...

Alien contact COVER-UP? Mysterious 'triangular aircraft' spotted hovering ABOVE Pentagon 2018

A bizarre pyramid-shaped object has been spotted and filmed by multiple witnesses as the UFO floated above the Pentagon this week.

Online viewers of videos questioned whether the sighting over the infamous military installation was evidence of a government cover-up of contact with aliens.

Others suggested that the triangular object was proof of a top-secret “holographic” US military experiment.

Gary King & Darcy Weir discuss their film Crop Circle Realities

RONN!E had the chance to speak with Darcy Weir from Occult Journeys and crop circle researcher Gary King about their new documentary Crop Circle Realities.

This phenomenon stretches far beyond the boundaries of England with over a thousand crop circles spanning the globe. Although there have been some claimants to come forward to take responsibility for the creation of some crop circles, this documentary seeks out the most incredible crop circle designs and a possible E.T connection to their making. Realities that some may never have been exposed to before in regards to the UFO and crop circle phenomena.

Disclosure in a Divided World | The Richard Dolan Show

In a world ripping apart at the seams, what can we say about the possibility and result of a potential end to UFO secrecy? That is, Disclosure? What are we likely to see in the next few years?

Most of this talk from Dolan deals with the divided nature of people today - which he points out is a result of Globalisation. He says that people have, unfortunately, seen what is happening in cultural or ideological terms rather than economically or geo-politically. The emotive element to the debate has clouded people's ability to analyze what's happened.

The key fight we face at the moment is against censorship and authoritarianism that effectively closes the door on open inquiry.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 19, 2021.]

Friday, March 5, 2021

Navajo Ranger Jonathan Dover (04-16-19) Skinwalkers, UFOs, Bigfoot & Paranormal Exploits

Navajo Ranger Jonathan Dover (04-16-19) Skinwalkers, UFOs, Bigfoot & Paranormal Exploits

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Cloaked UFO in Burbank CA?

The witness reports to have seen this with their naked eye and says they were entranced by it!