Sunday, September 22, 2019

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Saturday, September 21, 2019

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Friday, September 20, 2019

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Monday, September 2, 2019

CIA involvement in UFO debunking

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CIA Involvement in UFO Debunking

After the Washington D.C. UFO incidents, while the nation's opinion makers -- satisfied that all was well -- went on to other stories, the aftershocks of the UFO invasion reverberated throughout the defense establishment. H. Marshall Chad well, assistant director of the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence, warned CIA director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, "At any moment of attack [from the Soviet Union], we are now in a position where we cannot, on an instant basis, distinguish hardware from phantom, and as tension mounts we will run the increasing risk of false alerts and the even greater danger of falsely identifying the real as phantom."

Chadwell feared that the Soviets could plant UFO reports as a psychological warfare exercise to sow "mass hysteria and panic." In fact, as The New York Times noted in an August 1, 1952, analysis, the Washington sightings and others across the country in July were so numerous that "regular intelligence work had been affected."

In fact, during the Washington events traffic related to the UFO sightings had clogged all intelligence channels. If the Soviets had chosen to take advantage of the resulting paralysis to launch an air or ground invasion of the United States, there would have been no way for the appropriate warnings to get through.

Determined that this would never happen again, the CIA approached Project Blue Book and said it wanted to review the UFO data accumulated since 1947. In mid-January a scientific panel headed by CIA physicist H. P. Robertson briefly reviewed the Air Force material, dismissed it quickly, and went on to its real business: recommending ways American citizens could be discouraged from seeing, reporting, or believing in flying saucers. The Air Force should initiate a "debunking" campaign and enlist the services of celebrities on the unreality of UFOs. Beyond that official police agencies should monitor civilian UFO research groups "because of their potentially great influence on mass thinking. . . . The apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind."

The panel's existence and its conclusions remained secret for years, but the impact on official UFO policy was enormous. In short order Project Blue Book was downgraded, becoming little more than a public-relations exercise.

Want to learn more about UFOs and aliens? Check out these articles:
How UFOs Work
The Roswell UFO Crash
History of the Roswell Incident
UFO Hoaxes
UFO Reports
UFO Theories
1 … 6 7 8 … 
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Sunday, September 1, 2019

President Trump just established the U.S. Space Command

1600 Daily: President Trump just established the U.S. Space Command

President Trump's Message on Hurricane Dorian

Establishing the U.S. Space Command

This afternoon, at the direction of President Donald J. Trump, the Secretary of Defense established the United States Space Command to ensure America’s continued dominance in space. President Trump announced the news from the Rose Garden.

“The dangers to our country constantly evolve, and so must we,” the President said. “Now, those who wish to harm the United States, who seek to challenge us in the ultimate high ground of space—it's going to be a whole different ballgame.”

The United States is reliant on space for everything from the vital military systems that protect us to widely used consumer systems that fuel our economy. While America has the strongest military in the world, failure to act now could allow our adversaries to overcome that competitive advantage and deny us access to the space domain.

🎬 Watch: President Trump establishes the U.S. Space Command

Last week, at the sixth meeting of the National Space Council, Vice President Mike Pence spoke at length about America’s next great mission to lead the world once again in human space exploration. “As we lead in American innovation and entrepreneurship in space, we also must lead in security,” the Vice President said.

To that end, President Trump installed four-star General John “Jay” Raymond today as the first leader of the revived U.S. Space Command. The newest of 11 unified commands within the Department of Defense, USSPACECOM will employ assigned forces from every branch of the military to achieve vital victories in space.

There’s no better person to lead this charge than Gen. Raymond. As the current commander of the Air Force Space Command, Gen. Raymond leads an incredible team of about 26,000 space professionals worldwide. His deep experience in the field includes serving in the United States Air Force for more than 34 years, and in June, the Senate unanimously confirmed him as our first Commander of the U.S. Space Command.

President Trump revives the United States Space Command.

Statement from Press Secretary Grisham

Today, the Inspector General’s Office released its report on former FBI Director James Comey’s handling of sensitive information on the job. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham released the following statement:

James Comey is a proven liar and leaker. The Inspector General’s report shows Comey violated the most basic obligations of confidentiality that he owed to the United States Government and to the American people, “in order to achieve a personally desired outcome.” Because Comey shamefully leaked information to the press—in blatant violation of FBI policies—the Nation was forced to endure the baseless politically motivated, two-year witch hunt. Comey disgraced himself and his office to further a personal political agenda, and this report further confirms that fact.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour
The flag of the U.S. Space Command is unfurled in the Rose Garden of the WhiteHouse | August 29, 2019

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Defeating the Narcissists in Ufology. Richard Dolan The Big Picture. [MUST SEE VIDEO]

Susceptibility to certain beliefs and ideologies can make people prey to manipulative and narcissistic personalities. In the field of UFOs, it happens all the time. But there is a way to fight back.

Dolan talks about the importance of critical thinking skills and integrity, where it is the evidence and the work of the researcher that is paramount, not the personality of the researcher as a guru who alone holds the key to "special knowledge". Dolan points out (once again) that the relationship of the researcher to the public is one of equality, where work is extensively footnoted, and where you can come to the same conclusions based on having the same level of access to the data. This is what real science is about.

Ideas, to have merit, need to be testable, or observable, and not be faith-based. Too many people are interested in "their truth" as opposed to the empirical truth.

This is a massively important video to watch that talks about epistemology, which the dictionary summarises as: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, September 2nd, 2019.]