Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Japan's Former First Lady Claims Alien Experience

Editor's Note: She says Venus was green and Live Science says it's brownish-red, so debunked? I dunno, who the hell told her it was Venus anyway, a lying alien? Her feeling of what planet it was?

A M, Dallas, Tx,
Astral travel through space is not unheard of, and it may well be that she had such an experience. How can any of us say for sure if true or false? Extra-terrestrial beings from nearby planets do engage with some people on Earth. Usually these are relatively (spiritually) evolved humans, who are somewhat free from illusion and they interact for definite purposes. Maybe what she is saying is pure fantasy in her case, but it is a well documented fact that ET life has been visiting us for over 50 years. The sightings are increasing in large numbers over past few years. One of the most significant and currently developing stories I know of is an usual star-like object being photographed and video-taped all over the world. Do a search for: "Star sign" on YouTube and you'll find dozens and dozens of videos, or try "ufo star diamond Costa Rica" for a specific example. Very interesting!!

Steve, Australia,
Marvelous how many people who cannot possibly know if the woman is telling the truth, think they can declare the state of her mind, based on their assumption, based on nothing more than their own limited experience of the universe. For a mere "bug" which is born onto a tiny speack of dust in a minor part of a single rather uninteresting galaxy, and which lives for less time than it takes a single star to burp....to make assumptions about the entire universe and what is possible within it, is ludicrous. Such people although they don't realise it, are the ones showing mental abberation in the first instance. Only a very low intellect or a nut case could make such assumptions. Maybe Mikiyu is crazy, but frankly based on her story as such, you are in no position to make that judgement. If she is telling the truth, and she may be, then you end up being equivelant to a malformed, unevolved insect in comparison.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Martian Sky Revisited - Orange Earth Sunsets, Blue Mars Sky, and Dust (RECAP)

To understand the argument put forward about Mars having a Blue Sky, and therefore a thicker atmosphere than NASA or the ESA has claimed, we need to understand how the colouring of the sky on Earth works:

The colours of the sky on Earth are a function of our relatively thick atmosphere. Our blue skies occur due to the scattering of the blue wavelength of light from white light coming from our star.

The sky looks orange when the Sun appears at a low angle in the sky because the light travels though more atmosphere and the blue wavelength has been scattered away leaving the longer red wavelength.

Dust in the atmosphere also contributes to the sunset colours. The clouds and other aerosols reflect these colours.

If we believe NASA, the atmosphere on Mars is as thin as on Earth at 100,000 feet. From near 70,000 feet and higher the sky looking upwards on the daylight side of Earth is black.

To have a red sky would require a lot of obstruction (dust or gas) to block out or scatter the blue wavelengths. According to NASA's own claims the red sky cannot be due to gas.

The problem is that we consistently get orbital pictures of Mars that does not show any of the dust haze that would be needed to get the consistent orange-red skies NASA shows. On Earth, if you get orange daytime skies it is in conditions of a dust storm. The clear orbital picsshould mean we see black skies, like on Earth at high altitude. Either the orbital pictures are in error or NASA's red sky pictures are not true colour representations.

In fact early pictures from Viking and even some pictures from the current set of landers/rovers show blue skies. This is indicative of a thicker atmosphere. It also would account for surface features that look like water run off channels - near impossible in a super thin atmosphere, but easily explained if the atmosphere was slightly thicker (like on Earth at 29,000 feet - the top of Mount Everest).

The argument being made here is from basic scientific principles and observations.

To get the red skies NASA shows on Mars you need a LOT of dust. The fact that we often have clear skies (no haze), and no black sky pictures, and the fact that we sometimes see blue skies, is indicative of NASA portraying Mars with false colour imagery.

If blue is eliminated from the colour pictures then you get lighter surface details. The problem is you also end up with false colour (red) images of the sky.

We even have NASA pictures that show the elimination of blue from the colour composition. In this picture from the Spirit rover mission you can see the colour calibration sundial and blue strips that come up pink:

Blue has been removed from the image. If blue is added back in, and we end up with a blue sky, then Mars has a thicker atmosphere than we've been led to believe.


[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, July 28th, 2018.]

The Martian Atmosphere Must be Thicker Than We've been Told (RECAP)

According to the text books Mars has very low surface air pressure which is 0.6 of the sea level pressure we have on Earth. The pounds per square inch is 0.087 (psi) to our 14.69 (psi). Images of the Martian sky taken in these alleged conditions often reveal an orange or grey-blue sky.

At 0.087 psi the level of Martian air pressure is similar to the very thin atmosphere on Earth at an altitude of 100,000 feet. According to this chart the psi on Earth at 100,000 feet is 0.162 compared to Mars at 0.087.

HOWEVER, the problem we face is that during the daylight hours on Earth at 100,000 feet the sky appears black.

On Mars, with a similar air pressure, looking upwards we are not treated to a black sky during the daylight hours but something either reddish or blue-grey.

We have been *told* that the colour of the Martian sky is due to dust particles suspended in the atmosphere.

BUT without dust, or even with small amounts of dust, and having such a thin atmosphere, the sky should conform to the same physical principles we find on Earth - the sky will be black.

On Earth, if we find ourselves looking skyward at a reddish hue we need either a lot of dust, like what one sees during a dust storm (in which visibility becomes obstructed); or instances where the Sun is shining low in the sky (through a lot more atmosphere) and the Rayleigh light scattering effect has turned away the blue wavelengths of light leaving the longer wavelengths of light (such as red) to travel in the direction of the observer. Also causing the red colouring on Earth is the Mei light scattering effect that interacts with larger sized particles (dust) at lower altitudes to cause red sunset colours to dominate out of the Sun's spectrum of light.

The problem we face with Mars is that there is an allegedly thin atmosphere and a distinct lack of haze from dust in the sky - except when there are dust storms. Looking at the thousands of high resolution images taken of Mars by the European Space Agency probe Mars Express you can see pictures without noticeable dust haze. Many of the pictures are stunning because of their clarity.

If the atmosphere was always full of dust - enough to cause a red hue- then we should almost always see instances of dust haze, just like on Earth when we find orange sky situations.

One should note that on any Earth day there is actually dust suspended in our relatively thick atmosphere - car filters pick it up all the time - and yet looking upwards - we see no red hues. All we are greeted with is the blue glare from the Rayleigh effect as white light interacts with small gas molecules in our atmosphere.

At night time, we still have our atmosphere, with the dust, and yet when we look up, there is no red hue, even when we have the stronger levels of light reflected directly off the Moon, absent the excessive blue glare from the daytime Rayleigh effect. Looking at the Moon we commonly see the white Sun light, and the grey and darker surface colours, being reflecting off the Moon - plus occasionally we see it as yellow thanks to mild Rayleigh scattering and dust effects - but no reds like in the Mars pictures.

With such a thin atmosphere on Mars, the sky should be predominantly black, just like on Earth at 100,000 feet, with occasional instances of redness from dust storms. The idea that there is enough dust always suspended in the thin Martian atmosphere to give a constant red hue seems extremely unlikely.

It has also been claimed that the red Mars we see, that looks like a star in the night sky, is due again to suspended dust in the atmosphere - in combination with the planet's surface colour. Yet when we look at the Moon we see its colour does not come from dust suspended in an atmosphere, but from the dark surface, the Sun's white light, and the effects of our own atmosphere. The same can hold true of Mars and we should not automatically accept that dust in the atmosphere must be the primary element - although such an effect is present when there are dust storms, which is to be expected on a planet that comprises mostly of desert.

The bottom line is that according to the official account - with a thin atmosphere - the Martian sky should theoretically be very black. There is no evidence to show that there is enough dust continually suspended in the clear sky to create the haze needed to produce an orange sky we see in the official pictures - the ones labelled as showing the true Martian sky colour.

The same process we find Earth works on Mars - the basic physics does not change. 

What is more likely, is that the sky we see in the Martian pictures is much thicker than what we have been told.

This thicker atmosphere would account for 'wash features' on the surface plus many of the images we find with blue-grey sky colours. The orange clear sky colours would be the image 'enhanced' pictures released by NASA, not the true colour pictures. At present many scientists are having trouble explaining the liquid water related phenomena (http://rt.com/news/water-flowing-mars-nasa-evidence-470/) because water would evaporate rapidly in the officially endorsed low pressure environment.

Related Info:

The Atmosphere of Mars - Thicker than Officially Admitted, Clouds, Liquid Water and Life? 

NASA's Misrepresentation of Mars

The Red Planet was Once Blue... Giant Ocean Once Covered Third of Mars (broken links)

Was there life on Mars? Red Planet was 'wetter, warmer and rich in Carbon Dioxide' (broken links)

Did NASA Discover Life on Mars - 36 years ago?

Debunking Captain Kaye's Account of Living on Mars (and Battling Aliens) 

The Martian Sky Revisited - Orange Earth Sunsets, Blue Mars Sky, and Dust

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, July 28th, 2018.]

NASA Knew About Underground Lake On Moon And Mars 25 Years Ago

NASA Knew About Underground Lake On Moon And Mars 25 Years Ago

Tucker: An Iran war would destroy Trump's presidency - Tucker Carlson Warns: ‘Gulf Of Tonkin Incident’ Could Be Staged To Get U.S. Into War With Iran

Tucker: An Iran war would destroy Trump's presidency - Tucker Carlson Warns: ‘Gulf Of Tonkin Incident’ Could Be Staged To Get U.S. Into War With Iran


The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

The American commitment to the war against Vietnam, which killed over 50,000 U.S. military personnel, and probably over 2 million Vietnamese civilians, was cemented by an incident that appears to involve more fiction than fact.
In the Gulf of Tonkin incident, North Vietnamese torpedo boats supposedly attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin, off Vietnam, in a pair of assaults on August 2 and 4 of 1964. It was the basis for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which committed major American forces to the war in Vietnam. The resolution passed the House of Representatives unanimously, and passed in the Senate with only two dissenting votes.
In retrospect it is clear that the alleged attack was little more than a transparent pretext for war, delivered in a one-two punch. First, media descriptions of the August 2nd attack as an "unprovoked attack" against a U.S. destroyer on "routine patrol" hid the fact that the Maddox was providing support for South Vietnamese military operations against the North. Second, the alleged August 4th attack appears to be a fabrication, official accounts attributing the "error" to confusion.
s u m m a r y
title: Gulf of Tonkin Incident
On August 4, a new DESOTO patrol to North Vietnam coast was launched by Maddox and the C. Turner Joy. The latter got radar signals that they believed to be another attack by the North Vietnamese. For some two hours the ships fired on radar targets and maneuvered vigorously amid electronic and visual reports of torpedoes. It is highly unlikely that any North Vietnamese forces were actually in the area during this gunfight. Captain John J. Herrick even admitted that it was nothing more than an "overeager sonarman" who "was hearing ship's own propeller beat." Also in 1995, General Vo Nguyen Giap, commander-in-chief of North Vietnamese forces at the time, disavowed any involvement with the August 4 incident, though he did confirm the August 2 attack.

National Security Agency Publishes Long-Secret Documents

On December 1, 2005, the National Security Agency released hundreds of pages of previously-classified documents relating to the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. The collection included a 2001 article by agency historian Robert J. Hanyok, which examines numerous reports indicating that the alleged attack never happened.
e x c e r p t
title: Vietnam War Intelligence 'Deliberately Skewed,' Secret Study Says
authors: Scott Shane

Vietnam War Intelligence 'Deliberately Skewed,' Secret Study Says

In his 2001 article, an elaborate piece of detective work, Mr. Hanyok wrote that 90 percent of the intercepts of North Vietnamese communications relevant to the supposed Aug. 4, 1964, attack were omitted from the major agency documents going to policy makers.
"The overwhelming body of reports, if used, would have told the story that no attack had happened," he wrote. "So a conscious effort ensued to demonstrate that an attack occurred."
Edwin E. Moïse, a historian at Clemson University who wrote a book on the Gulf of Tonkin incident, said the agency did the right thing in making public Mr. Hanyok's damning case. "A lot of people at the agency haven't been happy that communications intelligence was used to support a wrong conclusion," he said.

Did President John F. Kennedy Seek UFO Information from the CIA 10 Days Before His Death? -- Report - Fire Scorched/Burned Memo Outlines Plan to Wet Up JFK!

Click Document to Enlarge - https://www.slideshare.net/PublicLeaker/jfk-mj-12-document

A new article asks: Was President John F. Kennedy possibly killed because of his alleged inquiries about UFOs? This new article raises the question, and two new alleged documents are helping to fuel the discussion. 

The new report claims that assassinated American president John F. Kennedy allegedly sought out information on UFOs from the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) just ten days before he was killed in Dallas, Texas.

Read more about this story:

"Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death" http://bit.ly/eYEbb5

"The JFK-UFO Connection: Bogus Documents or Unanswered Questions?" http://aol.it/hdUzOh 

 Learn about Dr. William Lester, author of the new John F. Kennedy book: "A Celebration Of Freedom" http://bit.ly/fulkeP

See the supposed "Burned Memo" and the alleged "Burned Memo Cover Letter" mentioned in this report: http://bit.ly/hpS5uo 

"Part 1-5: Original Scorched Carbon of CIA Memo Links Government UFO Cover-Up and JFK Assassination" http://bit.ly/flGrpx 

Wikipedia: "Freedom of Information Act (United States)" http://bit.ly/icDfsf

Hat Tip (where we originally saw the story) on this story: The Drudge Report. Visit The Drudge Report here: http://www.drudgereport.com/

 Come and follow Conservative New Media on Twitter -- be part of our growing Twitter network! http://twitter.com/ConservNewMedia @ConservNewMedia

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Watch the below video for excellent coverage of the burned memo...

Dr Robert Wood, who is the foremost expert in analysing MJ-12 documents using forensic methods, has concluded that the burned document is an assassination directive. in an interview discussing the burned document, he pointed out that the cryptic phrase "it should be wet" originates from 19th-century Russia, where the phrase "wet works" or "wet affairs" denotes someone who has been killed and is drenched with blood. The codeword "wet" was later adopted by the Soviet KGB and other intelligence agencies, according to Dr Wood. The term "it should be wet" therefore is a coded command to kill someone.

To shoot or (sometimes stab)a person several times, usually in an attempt to murder them. Called "wet up" because there is enough blood to soak their clothes, leaving them "wet".
example of wet up:

Set me up, wet me up, niggas stuck me up
Heard the guns bust but you tricks never shut me up" -2Pac
#wettup#wetup#wet up#wet#up#wet me up#wet him up#wet em up#wet em' up


Join Dark Journalist with legendary UFO investigator and Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman as they expose the UFO cover up and unravel the COINTELPRO that is spreading disinformation through puppet debunkers and dubious movies to discredit alien disclosure via covert propaganda programs. Together they uncover the evidence that shows that the Earth may now be under an ET QUARANTINE due to its warlike stance with the development of the Star Wars Defense Systems and Secret Space Program. They also suggest that warnings from the ET visitors may be the reason why NASA has virtually dropped all of its moon missions and manned space travel. Stanton Friedman is the most respected author in the field of UFO contact and has written the top influential books on the subject including the ground- breaking “Top Secret - Majic’” about the famous Majestic Twelve or MJ12 documents that reveal a clandestine government program to deny the existence of extraterrestrial visitors while reverse-engineering their incredibly advanced, futuristic technology. From the secretive, breakaway national security state players to the stonewalling mainstream corporate media gatekeepers, this new Dark Journalist episode will shock you with its implications of a deep, organized plan to hide the reality of advanced, interstellar, off-world visitors and the tremendous impact they are having on our daily lives. As a bonus, Dark Journalist asks Stanton to outline the secret world of Donald Howard Menzel, who lived a double-life as a famous Harvard Astronomer and UFO debunker but also as a key member of the hidden MJ12 group that handled all UFO evidence and technology for intelligence purposes. He also reveals his favorite UFO cases including the Phoenix Lights, Betty Hill, Jesse Marcel/Roswell, and more! You don’t want to miss this one.

Discover where some alien visitors to earth are likely to originate from. Also learn additional facts about the Majestic 12 Report, the most important Top Secret government documents ever leaked to the public regarding UFOs 

This feature film documents solid physical evidence of UFO landings, photos and videotaped evidence of UFOs from around the world and reveals the shocking story of the government's 'Cosmic Watergate'


“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump: 


Two U.S. Soldiers Overheard JFK Assassination Plans:


JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities:


More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:


JFK Files: Jack Ruby Prior-Knowledge of JFK Assassination - Classified CIA document, which documented the existence of an article implicating the CIA in the Murder of JFK. - JFK Files: Allen Dulles requests advance copy of a book about who murdered JFK:


JFK FILES SHOCKER: Hitler Escaped Germany, Lived 10+ Years - Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light - Adolph Hitler faked his suicide and lived out his days in Argenina, according to the FBI:


Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:


It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:


Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film:


Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:


Trump to Release the JFK Files over CIA Objections - Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying 😂 - Trump Will Release Final JFK Assassination Docs - First Look At The Trump JFK Files:


CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination:


Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

Saturday, July 21, 2018

AboxofMonsters: Missing 411 phenomenon? ( I have the answers New updates late spring 2018 watch ! New Vid coming )

AboxofMonsters: Missing 411 phenomenon? ( I have the answers New updates late spring 2018 watch ! New Vid coming )

Nostalgic Zone
I can't get enough of this subject. What you experienced is exactly what I believe is happening to these people. Some being is drawing in these people by some means of control, perhaps even a drug. This explains the strange behavior people report prior to many of these disappearances. Look at Lars Mittank, Brandon Swanson, Brian Shaffer, Corrie McKeague and Elisa Lamb...just a few more well known cases that reflect a lot of this phenomenon. Great video.


David Paulides Very Strange Cases of Urban Disappearances - David Paulides Missing 411 Mysterious Disappearing Hunters:


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

David Paulides Very Strange Cases of Urban Disappearances - David Paulides Missing 411 Mysterious Disappearing Hunters

David Paulides Very Strange Cases of Urban Disappearances - David Paulides Missing 411 Mysterious Disappearing Hunters

223 DAVE PAULIDES - Missing Hunters 411, The Stranger Things

223 DAVE PAULIDES - Missing Hunters 411, The Stranger Things

Mary Devonshire
It’s kind of funny...I was talking to the husband of one of my friends, who works for the Forest Service, about my pathetic lack of exercise. I excused myself, saying that by the time I was ready to go outside on our very rural road for a jog, it was pitch black outside. I said, jokingly “The werewolves might get me!” He looked me dead in the eye, with a grim face, and said “Yes, that’s a possibility.” I laughed, but he didn’t.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

UFOs, Alien Replica Vehicles, Black Budgets, and Breakaway Civilizations

UFOs, Alien Replica Vehicles, Black Budgets, and Breakaway Civilizations

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Betz Sphere - Explained and Debunked? No! - The Mystery Of The Betz Sphere - Ghost Ball Alien Artifact: The Betz Sphere Mystery

Chris Stock
not really "Explained and Debunked"

James Bird
Neither explained nor debunked. People, nowadays, who call themselves skeptics are as wedded to their aggressive non-belief as any religious zealot is to their belief. Both types are sorely lacking in integrity.

Ball valves are not completely spherical, they all have seams and a fixing lug, this post is a waste of space.

Lady Lea +tamiyak
yes the ball and the family did exist Terry Betz (my coysin)and his mother Jerry Betz (my Aunt) are my family on my father's side. my Dad and I did live with them around this time. And there so I can say yes it did exist.

Huge Dabs
Definitely not debunked this guy is a moron

Not sure if this has been debunked...How do we know the artist really had spheres like this? Could it be he just lied to bring attention to himself? And why are there no photos of this artist with his sculptures made out of spheres? The old newspaper articles show the Betz family, but I can't find any with the artist. How do we know he didn't just make the whole story up? And where is the Betz family? Has anyone trying to debunk this follow up with the Betz family or is everything being based on old newsaper articles and hearsay? Have debunkers contacted the artist to verify any of this? If the artist used the spheres to create statues, where are the statues or photos of them? Debunkers say that the artist was contacted by numerous reporters after his story came out, yet no photos of him in the paper? I'm not convinced the sphere is supernatural...it's probably nothing, but if you want to really debunk this, these are some of the things debunkers should include in their videos...

James Small
it was found 20 miles away from any main roads out in the middle of no where. They gave it to the military and won't talk about it any more you think maybe they was told not to talk about it anymore.

Bryan Suh
you cant even spell artifact right....

Carl Grove
LIke many "explanations" this video picks up an extremely unconvincing theory, ignores 90% of the information available concerning the sphere, and uses razzmatazz and funny sound effects to cover up the lack of anything of substance. All rather pointless.

I ended up here because the show "Ancient Aliens" kicked off it's current season on this topic. While I see AA as primarily engaging and entertaining speculation it also sometimes raises good questions. This episode went back to where the sphere was supposedly found which was miles from any road. They also said the sphere was ultimately confiscated by the U.S. gov't.
Of course the problem here is a general one: If something is a hoax, sooner or later it is either proven as such or the whole thing fades from the public view. If something is a real national security issue it is covered up by saying it is a hoax and making sure no evidence is left for examination.
I am left wondering what I would do if I found one of these things... Keep it to myself, turn it over to the authorities or hold a press conference?

Jack Bureau
that is far from debunked brother...not even close or interesting...change the name of your site to ..".my opinion on stuff "

Joe Chase
didn't explain or debunk anything....idiot

debunked my arse.
Nothing but speculation with NO facts one way or the other.
Lame try NO sub from me.

Myke D
The sphere was actually found more than 200 yards off a road in a field that was saturated with heavy brush, so the theory that it fell off a VW and rolled more than 200 yards is extremely unlikely. The field was mysteriously on fire which is actually what drew Betz's attention to it to begin with. Secondly, the sphere was seen vibrating and rolling on its own by journalists and other eye witnesses, not just the Betz family. Thirdly is the research by the military who found that the tiny spheres inside the object had a material weight of 140. This is interesting when considering that the heaviest known material is uranium with a density of only 92. As of 2016, the whereabouts of the sphere is unknown.

marc roland
Nothing explained here. Move along now, move along.

Steve Rakes
Among many other aspects of this case that you failed to mention, is that the U.S. NAVY ran a thorough examination (including x-rays) of this sphere and were also completely baffled by it. Nothing debunked here.

Kak Abbas
if you really dont know the meaning of "debunked" then dont make video like this, lack of information

Billy DeLuca
Linda Moulton Howe investigated this with another journalist who covered the story at the time she debunked the sphere falling from a van due to the simple fact that the area where the Betz found the thing was a few miles from the road it supposedly fell from. Only the family and the retired journalist, were the only witnesses to the thing vibrating and following a person around a room when placed on the floor. I'm sorry but I can't recall the journalist's name.

serVananda the1male
wow... this is exactly how the Government would explain something they want to hide. might as well say that everyone in Jacksonville FL inhaled swamp gasses and the sphere was really a basketball. easy-peasy!

Mike Notlikeme
This vid is fake...the Navy has the ball..k..found....plus the area in wich the ball was found was almost a mile from any road of dence forest ssssoooo nope not an artist mistake hhaaaa dont know any starving artist the have access to that kind of metal vey rare.

I guess the Volkswagen was driving with his doors open. dumb. the air Force has it

C Escobar
Yeeeeah, this "debunking" is pretty weak. I do not mean to critique your work, just that the way in which the sphere was "reasoned away" doesn't sit well with me.

Derek Hobbs
The outside of the ball was made of stainless steel, we can make that. But the internal balls were an atomic weight of 140... Sorry, as of 2018 we aren't even up to 125 yet. So are you gonna tell me that an artist made the inside of a ball with elements that don't exist yet, and the US military decided to keep it because it was just neat looking? You sir, are an idiot.

not explained nor debunked. Adios to this pathetic channel.

Scape Runer
Why do all fact or debunk videos come from UK? And lets read ppl all with British accents. Conspiracy.. Also the "ghost footage" vids. Ffs it must be boring there

Scape Runer
If it's debunked why ask what we think

Joe Shmoe
Numerous professional scientists ran tests on the object and the details that they discovered do not match the orbs described by the artist. While the orb may not have been filmed numerous professional scientists and military personnel witnessed the orb's performance.

No More PC
Tons of unusual spheres have been found around the world.

Jason Coughenour
it is also niether bunked

Miguel Mendoza
Debunked? really? Just because you say someone lost a sphere ball.... Ok... i lost my giant metallic frezbee in Roswell... that explains the supposed UFO.

Dams Jo
The road Taos was driving on is over 1500 feet away on level terrain. 'Lucy xplain' that! Debunked means beyond a reasonable doubt. You just gave a ridiculous statement with no proof what-so-ever.

Sam King
Does anyone claiming this was a ball valve actually know what a ball valve is? I highly doubt it.

tom jeffords
Learn to spell.

Jimmy Robiber0
Not a piece of any ball valve I'm a union plumber, and I have taken them apart many times in my career

Snarky K
You seem to forget that the sphere was found nowhere near a road which pretty much debunks that whole "it fell off a truck" theory. It was miles from any road. There were also plenty of witnesses that are still alive today that have seen the sphere vibrate, and move as if a pet following it's master.

One more thing you neglect to mention is the atomic weight of those two spheres within the sphere were found to be heavier than anything found on Earth by a significant factor. Simply claiming it to be bullshit is nothing but pure bullshit on your part.

Aside from the fact that it was miles from the road in thick brush that was only found after the area burned, after they x-rayed it there were 3 smaller orbs within that had an atomic weight of 140 and the entire science of it baffled Navy scientists and then it disappeared so your debunking is nonsense.

Roger Stankovic
What a terrible account of this story. I won't bother debating this with you as you obviously have not done you research. Thumbs down.

dazzler B81
Didn't really get debunked or properly explained..... I think the artist theory is a load of bo#@%x myself.... Newspaper reports said the navy was stumped as to what it was plus it had a some sort of radio signal coming from it...

Frank Goodman
The thing was found 20 miles from the hightway lying in thick palmetto lands.

kind of lame "debunking" and you spelled "artifact" wrong.

Stephen Parker
Not really explained or debunked

Ray Mitchell
Interesting fact, the nearest road where this VW camper could have lost the ball from the roof rack was a half a mile away from this heavily wooded dense area. When the Betz ball was discovered did this artist go public and claim it was his? More info from you is required instead of just sweeping statements

Ivy Blue
B.S. this didn't explain anything. if it was from this James guy, why didn't he collect the huge reward? smh!

Debunk your brain bro

Darren Woods
A ball valve would not do what the sphere did. I think that whoever has the ball now should try to communicate with it. Start with tapping a rythm of 3 taps 1 tap then 2. 312 is pi. being that the sphere is a circle it might get it. Next I would introduce numerical symbols to it. Hopefully the powers that be will read this and call me up to try my theories to communicate with it. I think that I could get top secret clearance. My apologies to my fellow citizens but if I get to talk to it, i won't share my findings unless I get permission.

Greggy D
Debunked? Yeah right...

яиду домой
You are about to be the debunked one. Clearly, the unexplained phenomenon happening all around the world, even in your own day-to-day life will reach a point where your materialistic "I-believe-what-I-see" way to think will punch you in the face, very hard. Earth is becoming "that-you-cannot-see". Face it and embrace it and try to be happy with it or die.

Worst channel ever. This fool can't even spell "artifact". Very misleading video. Lol 800 subs

Mr G
this is far from debunked.

The Betz Sphere - Explained and Debunked? No! - The Mystery Of The Betz Sphere - Ghost Ball Alien Artifact: The Betz Sphere Mystery

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trump Must Release All Evidence of 9/11 and UFO Coverups and JFK Assassination Lone Gunmen Myths

Trump Must Release All Evidence of 9/11 and UFO Coverups and JFK Assassination Lone Gunmen Myths


Donald Trump is Right about Why the Twins Towers Fell on 9/11:


“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump: 


JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities:


More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:


JFK Files: Jack Ruby Prior-Knowledge of JFK Assassination - Classified CIA document, which documented the existence of an article implicating the CIA in the Murder of JFK. - JFK Files: Allen Dulles requests advance copy of a book about who murdered JFK:


JFK FILES SHOCKER: Hitler Escaped Germany, Lived 10+ Years - Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light - Adolph Hitler faked his suicide and lived out his days in Argenina, according to the FBI:


Martin Luther King Jr in the JFK files - Uncle Hotep chimes in:


It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:


Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film:


Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:


Trump to Release the JFK Files over CIA Objections - Donald Trump Releasing JFK Files: Libs Already Crying 😂 - Trump Will Release Final JFK Assassination Docs - First Look At The Trump JFK Files:


CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination:


Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Daily Rabbit Hole #361 | Strange object and the Red Balloon | British ‘X-Files’ |

1) Strange object and towers 2) Imran Awan plea deal 3) British x-files, china had ufo 4) stealing clouds 5) gmail sharing with third party 6) the red balloon and shaping memories

Daily Rabbit Hole #361 | Strange object and the Red Balloon | British ‘X-Files’ |

Sunday, July 1, 2018

George Knapp Interactions with the Grey Aliens

George Knapp Interactions with the Grey Aliens