Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Truth Behind Trump's "Space Force" - Trump Announces Space Force As Sixth Branch Of The Military To Protect Satellites; Visit Mars, Moon

Editor's Note: The related material below these videos indicates that Trump knows full well what he is doing, despite (as the first video notes) the backlash he is getting from those who want to keep these things secret.

The Truth Behind Trump's "Space Force" - Trump Announces Space Force As Sixth Branch Of The Military To Protect Satellites; Visit Mars, Moon


Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive:

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

UFO Stalked U S Aircraft Carrier for 4 Days:

Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars:

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

'Space Force' - Trump Directs Pentagon to Create New Military Branch

'Space Force' - Trump Directs Pentagon to Create New Military Branch


Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive:

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars:

UFO Stalked U S Aircraft Carrier for 4 Days

More UFO info leaks from the government to the people under Trump!

UFO Stalked U S Aircraft Carrier for 4 Days


Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive:

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars:

Learn The Secrets Of Trump 's "Space Force"

Learn The Secrets Of Trump 's "Space Force"


Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive:

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars:

Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars

The Curiosity rover has discovered ancient organic molecules on Mars, embedded within sedimentary rocks that are billions of years old. News Release:

Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars


Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive:

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive.

Trump's plans for space travel could be game changer for NASA - "The Future of Humanity" author Dr. Michio Kaku on President Trump's new space directive.


“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Full Show - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization

“Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program - Trump Launches Space Force As Globalists Attempt To Collapse Human Civilization


President Trump to create 'Space Force' Space MAGA on the way back to the Moon - Donald Trump Announces The Space Force to Department of Defense

All those Star Wars fans better be happy.

That is no moon!


Concerning the moon (AKA debris of a spacecraft?) related material below, if man did land on the moon, there is still a conspiracy going on to cover-up what we found. Either that, or the moon whistleblowers here are mixed up in a disinformation campaign to cover-up that we didn't go. NASA Whistleblowers Prove Flying Saucers and Aliens Exist:

Evidence Star Wars really happened…

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

NASA: Ancient Organics Discovered on Mars:

Monday, June 18, 2018

A virus is now airborne in China that kills 40% of humans that catch it! Learn the rest of the story

A virus is now airborne in China that kills 40% of humans that catch it! Learn the rest of the story



If you suspect an airborne disease, then you should add some essential lemon drops to a cup or two of water in a bottle...shake it up real good, then soak a bandanna or an air mask in it...wring out the water, then put it over mouth and nose. The lemon oil will kill 99% of all airborne bacteria.


How to Beat and Prevent the Avian Flu and Other Influenzas:

President Trump to create 'Space Force' Space MAGA on the way back to the Moon - Donald Trump Announces The Space Force to Department of Defense

All those Star Wars fans better be happy.

That is no moon!

President Trump to create 'Space Force' Space MAGA on the way back to the Moon - Donald Trump Announces The Space Force to Department of Defense


Concerning the moon (AKA debris of a spacecraft?) related material below, if man did land on the moon, there is still a conspiracy going on to cover-up what we found. Either that, or the moon whistleblowers here are mixed up in a disinformation campaign to cover-up that we didn't go. NASA Whistleblowers Prove Flying Saucers and Aliens Exist:

Evidence Star Wars really happened…

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 13 - UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Alternative Health/ Hostile Alien Encounters

DATEMonday - June 11, 2018 HOSTGeorge Noory GUESTSDr. Joel WallachTimothy Green Beckley In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. Speaking of diet, the long-term problem with oils, even healthy ones like coconut and olive, is that they oxidize and turn into trans fat which leads to plaque in the arteries, he suggested. The problem of blood clots or deep vein thrombosis is associated with a deficiency of Omega-3's, essential fatty oils, said Wallach. Omega-3 supplements typically contain such ingredients as fish oil or flax.
For the issue of bone spurs or osteoporosis, he recommended the supplement MSM, which helps support bones, joints, and ligaments. To check for toxic exposures, Dr. Wallach advised taking a hair analysis test, which can reveal problems. For a case of mercury poisoning, he said that selenium could be helpful. He also cited selenium as one of several supplements that can fend off depression and OCD, which he associates with a mineral deficiency. He connected suicidal impulses with a lack of the mineral lithium orotate.
Timothy Green Beckley's latest work reveals that UFOs are not necessarily piloted by friendly ETs. Some of the craft and their crew seem hostile toward earthlings. They have shot down planes, zapped and even killed humans, and caused massive blackouts. In the latter half, he recounted several cases, one of which occurred in Manitoba, Canada in 1967. An industrial mechanic/miner named Stefan Michalak was prospecting for silver near Falcon Lake when he saw two cigar-shaped craft emitting a red glow and then one landing on a flat section of rock.
Michalak decided to investigate and moved closer. There was a bright flash and he was subsequently hit by a blast of air or gas. Disoriented, he made his way out of the area. Eventually, he was treated at a hospital for burns to his chest and stomach. More on the case, including photos and sketches here. Beckley also shared an odd account that took place in the Everglades in 1953, when a scoutmaster saw a globe-like light in the palmetto trees that he thought might have been a downed craft. As he used a machete to get near the object, he was blasted by a kind of heat ray and ended up hospitalized for burns. Also discussed were such incidents as Cash-Landrum, the Battle of Los Angeles, and the 1965 Blackout, in which actor Stuart Whitman claimedto have heard a voice outside the window of his Central Park hotel. The voice informed him that its group was behind the blackout and it was a demonstration of their power.
News segment guests: Charles R. SmithSteve Kates