Sunday, May 27, 2018

Alien Abductee Describes Grey Alien Warning For Prison Planet Earth [FULL VIDEO]

Alien Abductee Describes Grey Alien Warning For Prison Planet Earth [FULL VIDEO]

Richard Dolan Show May 14, 2018. Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts

This episode of the Richard Dolan Show aired on KGRA radio May 14, 2018. It is a two-hour interview with black budget expert Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989-1993. Included in the discussion is the recent analysis by Catherine and Dr. Mark Skidmore that $21 trillion has been spent by the U.S. government without authorization -- and is essentially missing. As Catherine points out, this is enough effectively to cancel the entire debt of the United States, and it is almost certainly a low estimate. Much more is discussed in this fascinating interview, including the likelihood that at least a portion of that money is connected to a clandestine infrastructure related to the subject of UFOs

Fitts is an expert on Black Budget spending. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 26th, 2018.]


Underground bases, UFOs, and Mirrorworld #TheTinFoilisReal:
UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Underground bases, UFOs, and Mirrorworld #TheTinFoilisReal


UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Dr. Jonathan Reed, Alien Encounter / Hoax Or Real?

Jonathan Reed claims that his dog went missing one day. Reed went out into the woods near his home to see if he could find the dog. When he went into the woods, he found a floating UFO. Reed went back inside to get his camera and began filming the incident. He then saw the alien grab his dog. As a result, the dog turned to white ash, but this was never recorded on film. In retaliation, Reed took a tree branch and threw it at the alien. Art Bell's Dark Matter was an American radio talk show hosted by broadcaster and author Art Bell. Dark Matter primarily focused on paranormal and scientific topics. Art Bell was the creator and former host of the late night radio talk show Coast to Coast AM, from which he ceased being its regularly scheduled host in 2003. Art Bell subsequently continued to host occasional shows of Coast to Coast AM. Bell's final appearance on Coast to Coast AM was in 2010 when he hosted the program's annual Halloween show, Ghost to Ghost Dark Matter - Episode 3 Art Bell & Dr. Jonathan Reed, Alien Encounter / Hoax Or Real?
This is the third Video of this series where Jim Bob takes a look at Dr. Johnathan Reed Alien Encounter (14) Full House Footage. Is this real or fake?

Hoax! "Dr. Reed's" real name is Jonathan Bradley Rutter. He tells an incredible tale of capturing an alien/inter-dimensional being and keeping it in his house for ten days. He produced pictures, videos, and most importantly, a wrist bracelet that he claims transports him to another dimension. The only problem with all this is that the video of him using the link artifact is a total hoax. the sound effects were dubbed in, just like the "woods footage" where he overdubbed his panting and heavy breathing along with terrible acting. The sound of the lady screaming is STOLEN form the Edward Norton movie, "The Illusionist" (as seen in my video) the other sounds are taken from a videogame, and other sources. His ACTING is so fake in this video... even the audience applause is dubbed in. Alot of Reed-ites will call me a disinfo agent, but the truth is, I'm just a dude from a small town in kentucky that plays music with his friends and repairs computers for a living. The Reed-ites have threatened me with harassing messages, even going so far as to threaten my family and burn my house down unless I take this video down... which I did... for about two days. They can kiss my ass. Come on down and try to hurt me... see what happens. LOL Anyway, the proof is in the video, and I will continue to post more videos in the future showing other aspects of this case that are clearly fraudulent and total downright LIES. Sorry Rutter, your alien video almost had me convinced, but you screwed yourself by getting a little too excited and making that crazy LINK video mixed with fake appluase and ripping off sound effects from movies. There was no TV show, no audience, nobody but Johnathan the scam artist and his crappy camera work. - By deadline27

Jakes Kickass Reed Video DEBUNKING paranorma1's deflunk video, plus comments from supporters who dont buy paranorma1's debunk video. with BONUS LINK VIDEO. What you are looking at are close ups of the LINK ARTIFACT activation taken from a 65" HD flatscreen. You will notice there are no stairs or lamps in this video. You will also be given undeniable proof that paranorma1palace is a LIAR and he himself does not see stairs and a lamp desk, which he claims to see. Once you realize he is trying to convince you of LIES that he is spreading you should then ask the question "Why?" The last remark of the video will entail a sequel which will talk about why paranorma1palace has invested so much time on the Jonathan Reed case. It is because he is afraid of whats to come concerning his involvement with the fire that killed two innocent bystanders and nearly killed Jonathan Reed. Vincent its time people know the real extent behind your "debunking videos" and your series.

Good luck you scumbag POS.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Eddie Bravo "Beware Of The Fake Alien Invasion" | The Satanic Deception, Aliens Are Demons

Eddie Bravo "Beware Of The Fake Alien Invasion" | The Satanic Deception, Aliens Are Demons

Friday, May 4, 2018

Area 51: The CIA's Secret Files Documentary

Area 51: The CIA's Secret Files Documentary

Extraterrestrial Life (Documentary)

Extraterrestrial Life (Documentary)

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Richard Dolan Show April 30 2018. AATIP or AAWSAP?

This episode of the Richard Dolan Show aired on KGRA radio April 30, 2018. The first hour is concerned with recent claims that the Pentagon's UFO program known as Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) may in fact have gone under another name as well: Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP). It seems the study of UFOs is nothing without some controversy. Richard interviews two guests, first Chase Kloetzke, who has interviewed Luis Elizondo twice and provides her insights. Second, he interviews Australian researcher Paul Dean, who has concluded that AAWSAP is indeed related to AATIP. During the second half of the program, Richard discusses the implications of these developments as well as examining some darker implications of the strange phenomena of our world, drawing mainly from research of David Paulides and Whitley Strieber. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, May 4th, 2018.]


UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure: