Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dr. Steven Greer: Debunking the UFO Debunkers

Dr. Steven Greer: Debunking the UFO Debunkers

Friday, January 19, 2018

"UFOs Are REAL, We're NOT Kidding!!" Tucker Interviews UFO Expert Leslie Kean

"UFOs Are REAL, We're NOT Kidding!!" Tucker Interviews UFO Expert Leslie Kean


UFO Disclosure is Happening RIGHT NOW Under Trump:

Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

"Likely" meteor lights up sky over Michigan, National Weather Service says - What Really Just Happened Over Michigan?

Videos posted to social media purportedly show the night sky lighting up over Michigan on Tuesday. The National Weather Service in Detroit said it was a likely meteor.

"Likely" meteor lights up sky over Michigan, National Weather Service says - What Really Just Happened Over Michigan?

Mysterious Blasts are Being Reported Across the Globe

Mysterious blasts are being heard all over the world and no one can seem to figure out what’s causing them.

From Alabama to Michigan, Idaho to California, Russia to Denmark, experts and non-experts alike are trying to figure out whether these mysterious booms are coming from ground explosions, objects falling from the sky, or something else.

A boom in the state of Alabama, for instance, was heard and felt through 11 counties last Tuesday at around 1:39 CST. An earthquake event has since been ruled out, leaving both average citizens and experts puzzled and without answers.

Just one day later, a similar boom was heard in the state of Idaho, where law enforcement officials still have yet to provide any real explanation. The same thing happened last Saturday in Michigan – loud boom, and no explanation.

In Colorado, residents of the towns of Lakewood, Brighton, Lochbuie and Elizabeth reported hearing what many of them described as an “explosion” or a “sonic boom” around 9:00 at night. The boom was so powerful that it shook homes and left many people confused, bewildered and frightened.

The article itself rules out the source of these explosions as coming from the ground. There was no seismic data. No indication of an earthquake. If there was seismic data this would not be a mystery.

Therefore the source of the explosions must be coming from the sky.

Likely aerial phenomena are meteors (although none have been sighted in conjunction with the noise), supersonic or hypersonic military craft (the best explanation might be a secret hypersonic vehicle that could be extremely difficult to see), or it could be another exotic object that can create sonic booms in the atmosphere, something either man-made or originating from offworld (this second hypothesis is not as far fetched as one might think). The cause could be from devices of varying levels of technology, and the noise could be a by-product of their operation, and/or the noise could be deliberately intended (a warning perhaps?).

[First posted at the SpookyWeather blog.]

Friday, January 12, 2018

Alien Spotted at Walmart

Related: Praises UndebunkingUFOs Blogspot & Sends a Simple but Effective Message with Their Viral Meme: 'It is NOT Futile to Resist!':

Monday, January 8, 2018

REPTILIAN CONSPIRACY - How Reptilians control the Human Race - Masters of Outer Darkness

REPTILIAN CONSPIRACY - How Reptilians control the Human Race - Masters of Outer Darkness


Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens:

Escaping the Matrix - Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation to a Prison Planet/Body - THEY RECYCLE YOUR SOUL - WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap! - When you die, should you go into the light?:

Astrophysicist Lost For Words..

Astrophysicist Lost For Words..


Neil Degrasse Tyson is a Disinformation Artist:

Stephen Colbert Panics After Wikileaks Discovery - AJ Responds To Steven Colbert NPR and the rest of the Fake News:

Stephen Colbert's PIZZAGATE OBSESSION | David Seaman:

Stephen Colbert Trump Joke Backfires - Then He Scolds Audience:

My Interview With Richard Dolan, Renowned UFO Expert, Researcher and Writer

Richard M. Dolan is one of the world's leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs as well as other thinkers dedicated to pushing back our boundaries and exploring new vistas of our world. Richard Dolan is also one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time.

He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, January 6th, 2018.]


Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure:

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Pentagon and UFOs: Assessing the Revelations (Richard Dolan)

On December 16, people interested in UFOs received an early Christmas surprise. The New York Times---a longtime leader in mainstream UFO debunking efforts---published two articles on the subject in one day. 

These were not the vacuous, snarky pieces that typically emanate from the newspaper that publishes “all the news fit to print.” These were, in fact, two good articles that gave genuine information. 

The main article, “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” offered several bombshells. Mainly, that the Pentagon, from the end of the George W. Bush presidency and through at least the first term of Barack Obama, spent millions of dollar investigating UFOs. Granted, $22 million over roughly five years is less than a pittance in Pentagon numbers. But that anything was spent at all is significant. We are talking from 2007 until (officially) “the 2012 timeframe,” in the imprecise words of a Pentagon official. 

The program’s name was also typically vague---Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification (AATI). It was managed by a career intelligence officer named Luis Elizondo, who has been very straightforward about the program and the incredible nature of what it analyzed. According to Politico, which also published an article on this that came out soon after the Times pieces, Elizondo “described scores of unexplained sightings by Navy pilots and other observers of aircraft with capabilities far beyond what is currently considered aerodynamically possible.” Moreover, he said, these occurred near nuclear facilities, ships at sea, and power plants. Clearly, this is not random but intelligent. According to Elizondo, "We had never seen anything like it." 

Recovered UFO Materials 

UFO skeptics, as ever, wave all this away. Still, isn’t anyone curious about the revelation that the program contracted out to Bigelow Aerospace to study “metal alloys and other materials that Mr. Elizondo [who managed the program] and program contractors said had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena.” 

In any normal world, this would prompt a massive, collective, “whoa.” But the bland statement is buried within the article in the Times. Most people seem to have missed it. For years, researchers have argued that U.S. military agencies (and several other national militaries) have recovered and studied UFOs. Indeed, a number of declassified documents, to say nothing of a virtual avalanche of testimony, have at least supported this claim. So now we have it acknowledged in the New York Times itself, although couched in disclaimers (“Mr. Elizondo and program contractors said...”). 

Even with the disclaimers, however, don’t we want to ask what exactly constitutes these “metal alloys and other materials”? This is a reasonable question. We are talking about, quite literally, recovered UFOs. What, if any, were the conclusions generated by Bigelow Aerospace regarding these materials?

Click on the link to read the full article.

This is a very good article covering the matter - pointing out that there were also investigations into physical remains. The particular case associated with the FA-18 Gun Camera images is very interesting. As a whole the observations, from the film and pilot report, rule out mundane explanations. As mentioned in another post, the Pentagon (USAF) pretended to shut down official interest in this stuff in 1969 whereas we have a paper trail that shows this was not true (JANAP-146).

The article covers a lot of ground, from the media being corrupt, which raises questions about why they would run with this story, and the fact there are professional 'debunkers' ready with any 'explanation' regardless of whether it fits the specifics of the case. The use of false explanations and false equivalences is a common tactic of debunkers. This strategy is easily exposed when you consider what was actually reported or recorded. Not everything turns out to be a unique/genuine UFO event (as opposed to the misidentification cases), but you can bet that on those rare occasions the whitewash explanations will be trotted out. The article mentions James Oberg from NASA. Although not mentioned he also has a defence securty background. This background explains his (illogical) non-explanation explanations regarding a number of cases.

The issue here is fairly straightforward, of credible sighting reports ... unless you are prone to being misled by authority figures making bad arguments (the disinformation). A fair amount of ridicule will discourage rational thought about the whole subject (of unusual aerial phenomena).

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, January 4th, 2018.]


Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos - The Gov Just Released This UFO Video.. - Revealed: the Pentagon’s secret UFO-hunting program - Wake Up David Wilcock & Richard Dolan: Tom DeLonge WILL Bring Disclosure: