Sunday, August 20, 2017

Rebel Media is done. Southern & Posobiec take hush money. - The Demise Of The Rebel Media - What You Need To Know - Why Everyone's Leaving Rebel Media - Faith Goldy: fired by failing Rebel Media for talking to edgy Alt-Right podcast

This was not written with UFO researchers/activists in mind, but it definitely can apply.

[JM Talboo] Here's an idea. Stop getting information from within a bubble. Here's a challenge. Seek out a nobody who is working hard for truth and give them a donation next time around, instead of your favorite well-known successful alternative media outlet that you normally fund when you can, as to give them the ammunition to continue the good fight! I mean, only well-oiled machines deserve the financial grease because they are the only ones that stand a chance of raging against that bigger evil machine with any effectiveness, right? David Seaman and myself beg to differ.

Because guess what? Power/money is a well-known corrupting force and no one is immune just because of their noble ideology. Good people will make excuses/justifications to do the wrong thing. We need to be as decentralized as possible, supporting the real little guys out there, spreading the love/money around more for people's hard work, as opposed to building up truth media juggernauts. These monsters are our own creations, in that we build certain people up way too much and way too fast for a myriad of reasons, but never think of the danger in doing so. There are a lot of little guys out there, some seemingly cursed by the fickle hand of fate, that work their asses off like myself who are pissed that only a select few seem to get all the rewards for what they do and now look what you get...

I don't agree with all that is said in these videos below, but it is clear that anyone willing to look objectively at all of this material, will conclude that everyone ever associated with Rebel Media, except Caolan Robertson, has no integrity. They likely care about the issues that they talk about, but they all will clearly directly engage in, or at least cover-up, unethical practices for monetary gain. The irony is, that any credibility one has for not going along with deceptive practices by Rebel Media to make cash, is made null and void by taking hush money to hush up about those practices. Lauren Southern's friend (boyfriend?) Luke Rudkowski was in fact indicted on 5 counts via a Grand Jury process, carried out by the Committee of Safety – Common Law Court (CoS-CLC), for practices similar to those exposed about Rebel Media below.

If anybody wants to help me out for all the hard work/activism I do, as detailed on my huge list of blogs and my page, you can skip a donation and just buy a set of pocket US Constitutions or a set of 9/11 Inside Job stickers from me (Golotomer) on Amazon. Us little guys really appreciate shit like that and don't take it for granted! I hate Amazon by the way and am not selling much on there anymore, but spreading liberty-minded information is forgivable!

Unlike other so called "truthers" I don't hold back, this is the truth about the implosion of Rebel Media and the hush money going around. Recently Caolan Robertson released a video about how Ezra Levant pays employees leaving the Rebel hush money to ensure they won;t expose people to the scam artist operation that Rebel Media is. Taking their listeners money for "charitable causes" when they are already funded and doing whatever they wanted with the cash, including offering huge sums of money to keep their ex reporters quiet. 

See the Video Here:

So now that Rebel Media is completely toast. What does this mean for Jack Posobiec and Lauren Southern who both lied about the reasons why they left, and took the hush money and lied to their audiences for months? Lauren Southern's video about going independent has been seen by almost 500k people and it was 100% lies. Same with Jack Posobiec's announcement about going independent. Neither of them cared enough about their audience to tell them the truth, they cared more about the money. 

Lauren "goes independent", "I have been meaning to go independent for awhile, I can't get into why" - she took the hush money and signed a contract to stay silent she admits it herself in this video:

Jack Posobiec The Rebel's DC Bureau Chief, Navy Intelligence Officer, Political Operative self proclaimed:

Jack Posobiec promotes FOAK, Proud Boys Political Cults:

Jack Posobiec caught plagiarizing at the Rebel:

Well Rebel Media has absolutely 0 integrity left, and the rats are now jumping off the sinking ship as they are all leaving or getting fired for doing interviews like Faith J Goldy. Real free speech zone at Rebel Media isn't it? Fired for just doing an interview, nothing about the content, just you interviewed with Daily Stormer so you are fired. Lulz. Just watch those subs drop, good bye Rebel Media.

As for Lauren Southern and Jack Posobiec, all I want to know is... How much is the truth worth to you? How much did it cost Ezra to buy your silence about Rebel Media?

Since neither of them have any credibility left, don't expect them to tell you the truth about this either. As for the other truthers like Dan Dicks, who kissed Lauren's ass over this whole thing. Your credibility is severely lacking lately. Your ignorance on PizzaGate is astonishing for one, and your possible ties to Jeff Berwick are a conflict of interest, and lastly this latest video you did on the Rebel Media implosion where you kiss Lauren's ass is pathetic, she took the hush money, open your eyes.

Full Show Notes On Steemit:

Ezra is having a tough week.


Patreon Alternative ➜
When It Comes To Alternative Media, Posers Are Always Eventually Exposed. A video released today by a former Rebel Media employee Caolan Robertson details the corrupt nature of how Ezra Levant, owner of Rebel Media makes his money as well as how he treats his employees. In this video Dan Dicks of Press for Truth breaks down the details of this bombshell expose involving money scandals and the firing of their former correspondent Lauren Southern

Pinned by No Bullshit No Bullshit 1 day ago
Some updates; Faith Goldy was fired shortly after making this. Also, I'm not anti semitic, obviously. Just calling a Jew out for acting very Jewish. Like I've called out every other race and creed on this channel. If Ezra didn't want to be thought of as a stereotypical Jew he shouldn't run a media company and talk about his money and lawyers all the time lol

The audio of Faith's appearance on 'The Krypto Report' that finally got her kicked out of Sleazy Ezra Levant's "Rebel" Media Corporation. ● The rest of the story: ● Stefan Molyneux's post-Charlottesville interview with Goldy:


Was The Rebel's Laura Loomer's Stage Crash A Publicity Stunt? Accounting Is Needed:

Laura Loomer Claims to Have Tires Slashed, But They Appear to Have Blown Out on the Road:

Laura Loomer Crowd Sources Nose Job from WeSearchR?:

ALT-LEFT AMONG US - City in Hennepin County Flies ANTIFA Flag in Solidarity with Allies in Charlottesville - Seattle Protesters Getting Out Of Control:

Trump on Alt Left Charlotteville and The Marxist Subverted Society - Trump Denounces “Alt-Left” Antifa for Starting Violence in Charlottesville:

Charlottesville- Unite the Right Protest Recap - Alt Right, Cuckservatives, Communism vs Fascism, Unpopular Analysis - POTUS Trump Is Criticized By Media Because He Condemned Violence On Both Sides In Charlottesville - Trump's Response, Car Plows into Crowd, Helicopter Downed - Civil War is here! #Charlottesville:

Black Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson Interviews Richard Spencer: Whites Need IDENTITY POLITICS to Survive - Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Cernovich criticize Richard Spencer:

Jared Taylor on ALT-RIGHT and JEWS; White Advocacy; Bill O'Reilly; Trump (FULL) - Mexican Man: The Alt Right has to Exist For White America in Right Wing Politics:

Anthony Brian Logan: Why I'm Against The Daily Stormer Website Being Taken Down:

Debunking Moon Hoax Debunkers

If man did land on the moon, there is still a conspiracy going on to cover-up what we found.

Mythbusters Debunked - Moon Landing Hoax

Moon Hoax Expert Jarrah White Interview on Truth News Radio
Interview with Jarrah White, the world's leading expert on the Apollo Moon Hoax, on Truth News Radio in Australia. Jarrah is a Champion of Truth and Jedi Master in the Moon Hoax Debate. He is so good that NASA hired debunker Phil Plait ran away from him in fear at the Amazing Meeting in Las Vegas (see Jarrah's YouTube Channel below for proof on video).

At that meeting, Jarrah also shamed Mythbuster Adam Savage, of the Discovery Channel, by pointing out his botched experiments on Mythbusters. Since Savage was an actor, not a debater or scientist or intellectual, he became overwhelmed and bowed out, admitting that he was just an entertainer.

During an interview with Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who allegedly walked on the moon, Jarrah appeared and asked Buzz why the moon rock that they gave to Holland turned out to be a fake, which was reported on BBC. He had no idea.

Obviously, media personalities are mere puppets with no qualifications in truth or logic. They are not intellectuals or truth seekers. That's why when confronted by genuine intellectual truth seekers, such as Jarrah White, they are outmatched and run away in fear.

Here is Jarrah's YouTube Channel where you can see hundreds of his Moonfaker videos:

Visit Jarrah's website at:

If you have any questions about the Moon Hoax, see Jarrah's FAQ page at:

To see a comprehensive but concise list of moon hoax evidence, see my Conspiracy Trilogy Report:

RE: GAME24: Debunking Lunar Landing Conspiracies with Maxwell and VXGI

Apollo Hoax - Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan vs. Phil Plait

In this episode of the program Fact or Faked they do experiments which prove the "jump salute" and "feather drop" test on the moon could have been hoaxed. They, however, conclude it wasn't a hoax because too many people would be in on the secret. Joe Rogan addresses this argument in above videos and brings up the intelligence community tactic of compartmentalization.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jim Marrs Eulogium: Investigative Journalism Hero, Conspiracy Analyst, JFK Assassination Expert - Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died RIP 1943 - 2017

Jim Marrs Eulogium: Investigative Journalism Hero, Conspiracy Analyst, JFK Assassination Expert - Author, Researcher, Jim Marrs Has Died RIP 1943 - 2017


Secret Societies - David Icke and Jim Marrs by debunkerbuster

Mar 10, 2010 ... Here, Jim Marrs interviews him, and he says, quite frankly, "there was massive fraud in the evidence," and that the autopsy results released ...
Dec 26, 2015 ... Jim Marrs - JFK & The Warren Commission Cover-Up. Posted by JM Talboo · Jim Marrs ~ Essence of The JFK Assassination... by ... 26.html
Dec 7, 2014 ... Jim Marrs: False Flag Events - 9/11 & The Fourth Reich! Dark Journalist. Posted by JM Talboo. This interview is a mixed bag. Search on the ...
Dec 20, 2015 ... Jim Marrs - JFK & The Warren Commission Cover-Up. Posted by JM Talboo · Jim Marrs - JFK & The Warren Commission Cover-Up by ... html

Nov 21, 2015 ... The Jim Marrs interview at the bottom of this page is overflowing with evidence of a JFK conspiracy that doesn't require debating a magic bullet, ...