Tuesday, July 19, 2016

UFO Disclosure Advocate Makes Secret NORAD Files Public

Victor Viggiani News Director ZlandCommunications


Canadian UFO disclosure advocate Victor Viggiani challenges the US government to indict him

At the first Canadian National Inquiry into UFOs in Brantford Ontario Canada on Saturday June 25 - stunning news has come out concerning this inquiry’s findings.

In a bold move of defiance to dare the US government to charge him, Victor Viggiani quoted from a NORAD document, “any distribution of this kind of information threatens National Security and violates the Espionage Act of the United States.” 

Viggiani made public several secret files from ZNN's Runic Archive of NORAD proving that the phenomenon of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon or UAPs have “been discussed, analyzed, assessed and sequestered at the highest levels of governance and military authority on the planet.” (ZNNews)

All of these secret files are available to the press by contacting ZlandCommunications: zland@sympatico.ca

Look at documents: HERE

Read the full story and watch Viggiani's challenge to the US government at: EMN 

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Moon is The Debris of a Spacecraft - David Icke - Saturn & The Moon Matrix - Escaping the Matrix - Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation to a Prison Planet/Body - THEY RECYCLE YOUR SOUL - WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap! - When you die, should you go into the light?

As crazy as this all may sound to you dear reader, I urge you to give it a fair shake. The following info resonates with me, as I had come up with very similar ideas about the moon and possible hidden messages in Star Wars while in the midst of a spiritual awakening. This was before (I think) I had heard of any such info. Some of it also dovetails quite nicely with material I have come across in my studies on death and reincarnation from a Tibetan Buddhist perspective.

Former Science Advisor to Walter Cronkite: 'Star Wars is Our Real Ancient Galactic History & Everything Else is Fake':


TRICKED BY THE LIGHT: HOW SOULS ARE PROGRAMMED TO GO TO THE MOON/SUN AT DEATH TO BE RECYCLED AS ENERGY - A Theory of Life and Death -- How to Win the Game of Life and Escape the Prison Planet Earth which is an Illusionary Matrix that We Dream:


How Disabling The Moon Will Dissolve The Matrix:



Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Shapeshifting Reptilian Aliens:


Produced by Anton Karamanutsa. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2C3uri5FgFmdRVmdSQ3BsA
All credits to Wes Penre: "After a while, however, it was time to be recycled again. The Sirians and their helpers, residing in this dimension, and whose job it was to manage these 'in between' spirits, had to block the memories of their victims before they were shot back into a body. So the souls who were about to be recycled received some heavy-duty implants before they were ready for their next lives. They were put in a chair and were spun around, while bombarded with images in a rapid speed, telling them to obey their masters, and to forget about previous lives. Some of these implant stations were located on Mars, others in the Pyrenees[13][14]. From there, the soul was then shot into a new body with all memories erased, and so it went on, life after life, up to this very day. Very little has changed. The only thing that apparently has changed over time is that some souls who have been heavily implanted over time, appear not to need the amnesia treatment anymore, and will automatically take a new body when one becomes available; they don't even have to go through the Tunnel of Light at all."
Chris Gaylord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmDYdDyBq6M

WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap! - When you die, should you go into the light?:


"John Lear, yes, a family member in the famed Lear family, told Art Bell that when you die, the ‘light’ is a trick.. the light is a mirage.. it’s the devil himself trying to trick us to enter the gates off hell with him.. The light. 

Last night, years after that Lear show, Whitley Strieber confirmed to Art what Lear said, that the light was not goodness at all.. he said not to embrace the light. Turn away from the light."

The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap - 2017:


2Pac & The Tibetan Book of the Dead & Tips on Skipping Reincarnation in Favor of Paradise:


Concerning the moon (AKA debris of a spacecraft?) related material below, if man did land on the moon, there is still a conspiracy going on to cover-up what we found. Either that, or the moon whistleblowers here are mixed up in a disinformation campaign to cover-up that we didn't go. NASA Whistleblowers Prove Flying Saucers and Aliens Exist:


Sunday, July 17, 2016


Elle Griffiths for Mirror UK reports UFO spotters have raised the alarm after the International Space Station live feed cut out just as a large mysterious object appeared to enter Earth's atmosphere.

The Mandela Effect - Is It Real?

Some of this material is too dogmatic in its religious views for my tastes and I think the sections on Alex Jones miss the mark, but there is some really interesting stuff here.

Jared Holm
I've done extensive research on the Mandela Effect. Initially subconsciously I was trying to disprove this so I could move on to other mysteries. I am highly skeptical, logical , scientifically scrutinizing and as meticulous as they come. My initial conclusions before understanding the full scope of the Mandela Effect was I was probably misquoting or mis-remembering things. In the vast extent of my research I have become absolutely convinced 100% the Mandela Effect is real. I have found 10-20 pieces of absolute PROOF that would HOLD UP UNDER ANY SCIENTIFIC SCRUTINY or in any court of law. If you don't believe the Mandela Effect is real you either haven't researched it enough or are a complete idiot simple as that. There is evidence out there that is completely undeniable even to the most bullheaded head up his own ass denier. Deniers opinions no longer matter to me in this matter as I know it is real because of the vast # of audio, video, personal investigation and personal experience evidence have completely obliterated any doubts in my mind. Here's just a few I am sure about; Kit-Kat, Jiffy, JC Penny, Chic-fil-A , Luke I am your Father, Mirror mirror, Berenstein, Mr. Rogers song, the geography of the earth specifically for me South America, Mongolia and Australia, the Volkswagen logo didn't have the space in the middle, Home Depot, Hitler, Interview With A Vampire, "We're gonna need a bigger boat" from Jaws, Forrest Gump's "Life is like a box of chocolates". The list goes on and on I could literally provide probably 50 or more that I could personally testify to having been altered or left behind in an alternate dimension. The deeper you go down this rabbit hole the more convinced you will become. You are not alone. You are not crazy. Keep searching for the truth. Happy 4th of July.